Grrrr, this is really getting annoying .. i'd at least like to know the date of the release. This is really starting to sound like shipping April 30th.
Grrrr, this is really getting annoying .. i'd at least like to know the date of the release. This is really starting to sound like shipping April 30th.
I was expecting a date on when they are going to accept reservations and/or when the device is going to ship.
They've been accepting reservations since the time the pre-ordered opened up.
They've been accepting reservations since the time the pre-ordered opened up.
Not sure why not one of the idiot blogging reporters did not ask that question at the news conference!
They were too busy asking questions that were already answered ... such as, what about 4.0 for the iPad ... *boggle* ... I wanna know who that was that wasn't paying attention to the keynote.
I was expecting a date on when they are going to accept reservations and/or when the device is going to ship.
They never accepted reservations for the 3G model. Trust me, I was on the site the minute reservations opened up.
Grrrr, this is really getting annoying .. i'd at least like to know the date of the release. This is really starting to sound like shipping April 30th.
they accepted orders.
Not a good idea, there is a huge amount of mail theft in our building and Fedex has been well known to just leave packages. I would rather walk to the Apple store and just have it that day without any hassles.