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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 26, 2010
Brighton, UK
I find that, coming up to a week of ownership and a great deal of use of the magic mirror, I'm still 'Using The iPad'.

That's to say, I'm still very aware of the object as object, aware of the interface and the feel of the thing. I haven't had the experience of the interface just dropping away and being able to simply focus on the content, like that nice Jony Ive said I would.

So, other EU newbies - are you still at this selfconscious stage? Or when did you get beyond it? And Americans: how long did it take you to just accept the fact of the thing and get on with enjoying content on it? Or are you still at the Using The iPad stage?
After two months of ownership, every time I pick up the iPad I am completely amazed. I'm not just using it as a tool now and not solely focusing on the content. I'm as excited to pick it up and use it now as I was on launch day
I find that, coming up to a week of ownership and a great deal of use of the magic mirror, I'm still 'Using The iPad'.

That's to say, I'm still very aware of the object as object, aware of the interface and the feel of the thing. I haven't had the experience of the interface just dropping away and being able to simply focus on the content, like that nice Jony Ive said I would.

So, other EU newbies - are you still at this selfconscious stage? Or when did you get beyond it? And Americans: how long did it take you to just accept the fact of the thing and get on with enjoying content on it? Or are you still at the Using The iPad stage?

Got mine delivered last Thursday, and every day I have ran the battery down to at least 5-10%. I've been using it a lot, and I haven't used my MacBook since. It's sorta collecting dust.

I love how it's on all the time - you don't have to wait for it to turn on or even come out of standby. You just use it.
Got mine delivered last Thursday, and every day I have ran the battery down to at least 5-10%. I've been using it a lot, and I haven't used my MacBook since. It's sorta collecting dust.

I love how it's on all the time - you don't have to wait for it to turn on or even come out of standby. You just use it.

My MacBook got shifted to the bedroom and plugged into the tv to watch Lost off iTunes - and it's pretty much stayed there since, being put to syncing duties in situ.

I used to leave it on sleep anyway, so no problems with long startups - but the iPad is more pickable-uppable and portable to different rooms while, eg, making a cup of tea.

I'm finding myself a little fidgety with it though - I bought an ebook but can't quite concentrate on it for long enough to read more than a chapter at a sitting, cos there's always something different to be doing with the iPad.

I upgraded from a 32gig to a 64 in order to fit films on it - but can't quite envisage myself sitting still and concentrating on a 2 hour movie with it just yet, simple because of the pure glamour of the object.

I'm wondering whether this feeling will ever end...
Every time I pick up my iPad I feel like I'm touching the future! :D Had to remove it from its Apple case last night just to marvel at it again, and I've had it since 4/3 (3/4 for those outside the US :) ).
I still use mine a lot, I imported before the official UK launch as well. Personally I find the convience overwhelming, been able to sit more comfortably than I would with a laptop and poke my way through the web just never gets old :D

Of course there are things I would rather use my laptop for (such as huge writing sessions) but for brief sessions the landscape keyboard holds up remarkably well.
I still use mine a lot, I imported before the official UK launch as well. Personally I find the convience overwhelming, been able to sit more comfortably than I would with a laptop and poke my way through the web just never gets old :D

Of course there are things I would rather use my laptop for (such as huge writing sessions) but for brief sessions the landscape keyboard holds up remarkably well.

Funnily enough, I think it's when I'm typing that I find I get most lost in it. Maybe it's a matter of having something you have to focus on (producing content) enough that you zone out of the glitz and glam of the object.

OGDaniel: isn't it actually a bad thing not be just using it as a tool? Wasn't it part of the selling point that it would get out of the way of content, clearing aside all that annoying computer stuff Apple dislikes?
i use my iPad ALOT everyday.

I use my iPad to do the ff:

1) web surfing
2) checking/replying to emails
3) facebook
4) e-book reader (iBook AND Kindle app)
5) PDF reader (i have ALOT of PDFs)
6) content apps (time magazine, usa today, reuters, etc.)
8) Pages, Numbers, Keynotes
9) My 2 1/2 yr old son LOVES Games, Apps, Youtube videos, etc.
i use my iPad ALOT everyday.

I use my iPad to do the ff:

1) web surfing
2) checking/replying to emails
3) facebook
4) e-book reader (iBook AND Kindle app)
5) PDF reader (i have ALOT of PDFs)
6) content apps (time magazine, usa today, reuters, etc.)
8) Pages, Numbers, Keynotes
9) My 2 1/2 yr old son LOVES Games, Apps, Youtube videos, etc.

Yeah, I use it for most of those too. I guess in the case of 1-3 I really am just using it for those; but the other ones I feel I'm still just 'trying it out' rather than sitting down and reading or playing or working.

It's kind of hard to get on with reading when your brain's screaming, "Hey check me out! I'm reading on my new iPad! It's, like, so cool!"

Have you got actual work done with iWork?
It's kind of hard to get on with reading when your brain's screaming, "Hey check me out! I'm reading on my new iPad! It's, like, so cool!"

That's one of the many reasons the Kindle is the best e-reader available. The interface falls away, and you're left with you - and a book. Love it.
I've had mine since the launch and have not lost any novelty. I find everything it does, it does extremely well. I use it daily, it has pretty much taken over 80% of my Laptops useage. When I am able to print directly off of it, it will have taken 90% of my Laptops useage. At this point I just use the laptop for connection to other devices, printing, and Flash websites.

When I use it as an Ebook Reader, I do get lost in the book, when I watch a TV show, I do get lost in the show, when I play games I do get lost. I guess I have found this to be exactly as advertised, if anything I find it to be more than advertised. They say it's a great in-between from Smartphone to Laptop. I have found it more than that as mentioned, it has almost replaced my Laptop.

Hope that answers your question :D
I know what you mean about "using" it, it's still an absolute joy to use after a week and I'm very conscious that I am using a new device. I suppose it is the same for most new gadgets. I've run the battery down every day so far and haven't touched my iMac all week. My iPod Touch seems tiny and unusable now for Internet and apps.

I get fidgety when my wife uses it and even my 15 month old son is getting in on the act (He likes to pop the bubbles in that bubble wrap app). I've got a few books and comics to read but I can't concentrate on them yet as it's too easy to quickly check Twitter or read an email.
All I know is I like it but the dang thing gets too heavy to hold after a very short time.
I am yet too buy an iPad but I went into the Apple Store in Regent Street in London and I could not put the thing down. I was like a magpie with a shiny object. Whilst essentially it is a big iPod Touch and not quite a macbook I simply could not leave it alone. Whilst trying so hard to justify why I need it, I just gave in and I NEED IT

MacSiggy: Heh, I'm with you on the iPod touch. I picked mine up today after a while just iPadding and thought, oh how cute! It's like a baby iPad! Dunno how I ever got anything done with such a titchy screen though. :)

DougFNJ: That's good to hear. I guess I am actually looking forward to losing the novelty. And so WilliamG: probably just a matter of time.

I have a Sony ereader and I found the screen too problematic (low contrast, poky, sloop slow to refresh) to ever really forget about the device, though I did manage to get some extended reading done. With that the novelty wore off, other bits of life took over, and I dunno if I'll pick it up again. It was just filling in for the ipad really anyway. :)

(On a side note, anyone else find they keep hitting n or m instead of space on the touch keyboard when typing at speed?)
I stopped noticing the iPad a while back (I got mine April 5th), though sometimes in the first few seconds when I pick it up I re-experience the whole "this is so cool!" thing. But mostly I just use it without marvelling over it. I've read 15 novels on it to date, along with using Pages for work (not ideal, but usable for what I need it for once I jailbroke it so I could hook up a bluetooth mouse), doing plenty of web surfing, Instapaper reading and game playing. With reading especially the device just disappears.

DougFNJ: That's good to hear. I guess I am actually looking forward to losing the novelty. And so WilliamG: probably just a matter of time.

I have a Sony ereader and I found the screen too problematic (low contrast, poky, sloop slow to refresh) to ever really forget about the device, though I did manage to get some extended reading done. With that the novelty wore off, other bits of life took over, and I dunno if I'll pick it up again. It was just filling in for the ipad really anyway. :)

(On a side note, anyone else find they keep hitting n or m instead of space on the touch keyboard when typing at speed?)

I think I see what you are looking for....but you may not find it. I had the Sony Readers and I never found myself putting it aside and forgetting about them as they (now iPad) were essential tools to my everyday. I wanted books and newspapers I grabbed my reader and never left it behind. This replaced my reader and gave me so much more. I guess the novelty will take the same road as the laptop. It's become a need in my everyday, and although I don't feel that novelty....I don't use it any less....heh heh well actually I do now....but you get the point.
Yeah, I use it for most of those too. I guess in the case of 1-3 I really am just using it for those; but the other ones I feel I'm still just 'trying it out' rather than sitting down and reading or playing or working.

It's kind of hard to get on with reading when your brain's screaming, "Hey check me out! I'm reading on my new iPad! It's, like, so cool!"

Have you got actual work done with iWork?

yeah i'vw used Pages and Numbers a few times and Keynote for presentations. If you want to show web content on your projector (for presentations) you will not be able to use Safari. I use Web projector which works great.
After using it exclusively for the Internet for a whole week, I found myself on my desktop PC this evening - installing ATI drivers, fun - and had a quick browse with a mouse. For the first few minutes my hand kept wanting to reach for the screen before realizing it was tied down with a mouse. A horrible feeling after such intuitive interaction. :eek:
The other sign of settling in will be not staying awake using it till 1:38 in the morning...

I've been using it a lot but not experiencing the wow factor every time I pic it up. Perhaps the apple case helps. But I would like to be able to put it down. I haven't had a normal night of sleep since Ive got it, 3 weeks ago.
I really love reading on it, especial at night!
I've been using it a lot but not experiencing the wow factor every time I pic it up. Perhaps the apple case helps. But I would like to be able to put it down. I haven't had a normal night of sleep since Ive got it, 3 weeks ago.
I really love reading on it, especial at night!

Yeah, it is great for night reading, which is the main time I do. Lights off if the gf wants to sleep, and I can finish my chapter.

I do wish the brightness controls could be made available from the status bar for all apps though; feels as essential as volume controls on this device - at least until they properly sort out the auto-brightness...
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