Wow, that may be too much info
Yeah the new iPhone will be awesome for sure. If the rumors are true it will have the highest screen resolution of any phone. Sold
Beef up, Nancy. This thing is extremely light.
After two months of ownership, every time I pick up the iPad I am completely amazed. I'm not just using it as a tool now and not solely focusing on the content. I'm as excited to pick it up and use it now as I was on launch day
(On a side note, anyone else find they keep hitting n or m instead of space on the touch keyboard when typing at speed?)
Since this has been bumped, I'll check in and say that my usage of the iPad is gradually becoming more normalised - it's a regular fixture on my commutes to work and my go-to tool to pick up for the Internet, video, little bits of gaming, and reading.
I guess that, apart from the Internet, it's reading that has provided the most sustained interface-light absorption of content - using the Kindle app, I've got through a book of light essays (by Danny Wallace) switching between the iPad and my iPod Touch, taking advantage of the whispersync feature. I've taken in some magazines too - though magazine apps could do with standardising/converging around an agreed approach to navigation.
My gf basically hasn't picked up her iPad since she bought it (off me), but she picked it up a couple of times last night and was reading in bed with it - and that in itself helped to make mine feel less 'strange' and 'new'.
Still, when I catch myself having used it - especially in such an unselfconscious way - to absorb three different modes of content in a row, I do get a pleasing moment where I marvel at the fact that it's all been on the same device, which still has 42% battery left at the end of the day, and that that, indeed, is a bit magical.