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Wow, that may be too much info:D Yeah the new iPhone will be awesome for sure. If the rumors are true it will have the highest screen resolution of any phone. Sold:D
Great application National Geographic atlas

Hi bought my 32 GB Wifi only iPad today and synced all my important stuff from my iMac. Just downloaded the above app and it has amazing details
Handy if you want to keep up with world events.
The iPhoto app also excellent
My wife and I both have iMac,but it is so handy to just do some browsing and checking our emails without having to go to our desks.....good in between ads on TV
I've had my iPad almost 2 months now and i take it with me almost everywhere. I use it to surf the web more than the laptop now, same with reading emails. As a previous user noted, I've been doing more reading since getting the iPad as well. I'm on my 3rd book alread and I find myself reading USA Today almost daily. I've also been able to keep up on writing a journal everyday and keep track of my finances, although I did this already with the iPhone.

At times when I needed to bring my laptop with me, I now bring the iPad, it's so much lighter, smaller and easier to carry. Traveling has been fantastic, using an iPad on a plane is great, I can now watch an entire movie and not worry about the battery dying in the last 15 minutes like in the past. No more hassles through security and I can actually have the tray down with a drink/snack on it and still use my iPad, try that with a laptop on a full plane.

Happy to see that Documents to Go is finally in an iPad version since Pages and Numbers can't sem to save back into the Excel format.

As far as games go, not being a really big gamer I do find some of my favorite iPhone games look great on the iPad in 2x. If they do come out with iPad specific versions, great, but the iPhone versions to me are great just as they are. (Bejeweled 2, Toy Story Mania,SkeeBall, Paper Toss, and EA's Soduko). I did get the iPad Scrabble and it is great playing that and using the iPhone as the tile rack. ( I have a few freinds that also have iPads and iPhones ad we sometimes play using an iPad as the board and our phones for the tile racks.)

I have no regrets at all buying the iPad. Some my call it a luxury item, but for me it has truley enriched my life and as new apps and stuf come out for it I can only imagine a better experience.

Over the past 2 months I'd say I definately have used my Windows laptop about 65% to 75% less than before the iPad. Within the next year I do plan on replacing the Windows laptop with an iMac or MacBook, but that will primarily just be a "base" for syncing with iTunes and doing things that the iPhone or iPad are not capable of doing yet, most everything else would/could be done on either the iPad or the iPhone.
It's a terrific device and I still love it (but am still in the using stage as I've only had it for a weekish) but I'm finding it hard to explain to other people, and I'm still a bit curious as to if it was worth the money (I'm sure I'll come around soon, I'm just having trouble stomaching the price, I like to hoard my money, haha).

I REALLY don't understand this weight issue. I hold it in one hand for most of the time without much issue. People really need to hit the gym.
Found myself talking my mum into getting an iPad... Pretty convinced but where we hit a problem was printing. It needs to be built in to the system. C'mon Steve. I know there are workarounds but people print stuff all the time.

My granny wanted to play with it too, and did fairly well operating it through her dazzlement. She couldn't believe it when we could find the house she grew up in and zoom down to look around her street in street view.

I love living in the future. :)
I will be the honest one here : > ) and state the first couple of weeks I thought it was coolest thing ever!! Being Totally honest havent picked it up in the last two weeks or more...I find it cumbersom to type on and just not convenient. I find that my iphone works for checking email faster and if needing to type my Mac Book Pro much quicker and faster. IMO it is a big Iphone that can do some cool things like larger video and Net Flix.

Trust me when I say just had to have this machine, but now if asked would state really didnt need it. Feels strange walking out of the house with my Ipad, Iphone and Mac Book Pro when going to work. Much Overkill!! In my reality the Mac book pro and the Iphone work just fine.

Sooooo going to give my 64 gig Ipad to my kids and let them cont to be amazed : >)
I love my iPad and use it constantly. I can type just as fast as on a regular keyboard with it. I have to admit I am addicted to the thing ;). The iPad has definitely changed how I use computers, for the much better.
The problem is when you have a BlackBerry/iPhone AND an iPod (5G 16GB nano) like I do you ask yourself why do I need this/want to carry this around?

i was set to get the 3G but My brother got his 16GB Wi-Fi, I've been using it and now I'm having second thoughts.

Not sure if you can Tether but I also think Wi-Fi is USELESS.

*using the iPad right now in Starbucks to get connection. :eek:
Since this has been bumped, I'll check in and say that my usage of the iPad is gradually becoming more normalised - it's a regular fixture on my commutes to work and my go-to tool to pick up for the Internet, video, little bits of gaming, and reading.

I guess that, apart from the Internet, it's reading that has provided the most sustained interface-light absorption of content - using the Kindle app, I've got through a book of light essays (by Danny Wallace) switching between the iPad and my iPod Touch, taking advantage of the whispersync feature. I've taken in some magazines too - though magazine apps could do with standardising/converging around an agreed approach to navigation.

My gf basically hasn't picked up her iPad since she bought it (off me), but she picked it up a couple of times last night and was reading in bed with it - and that in itself helped to make mine feel less 'strange' and 'new'.

Still, when I catch myself having used it - especially in such an unselfconscious way - to absorb three different modes of content in a row, I do get a pleasing moment where I marvel at the fact that it's all been on the same device, which still has 42% battery left at the end of the day, and that that, indeed, is a bit magical.
It has been over 3 weeks now and i use it as much as the first day. And I don't think it will change.

Prior to the ipad I carry around my netbook with me and because of the clunkiness of it, I need somewhere to sit down to use it and it's bootup time, the usage of it is minimal, even on my commute to work. With the iPad, my online times have increased, to a point where I like, i feel more connected some how. I don't use it that much at home though, as i have my imac for that but out of the house, the iPad has been brilliant.
Not from the EU, but I find my use going up. The trouble is now I drag the thing everywhere I go.. including around the house. Its the first thing I have in my hand in the morning and the last thing I touch at night (well almost hehe)

Seriously I have begun to worry that I am relying on it too much and hope that some of its newness wears off. Trouble is I see no sign of it...

I'm also addicted to apps so there is always something new. With iOS 4 coming it will probably continue. (have probably spent $300 or better on apps)
It's good for travel I must say. Using in hotels is very convenient.

Laptops are good but lighter is better.

Just another tool in the box.

note: carrying a laptop + the iPad and also a phone is not a good idea IMHO. No point.

If you need Your Laptop just take your phone with it..
Been over a month since buying and using it everyday. I check email, surf the web, post to my blog, chat on aim, and of course play games I've downloaded. It's my go to device for everything.

I was not sold on the device when it was unveiled. So glad I kept an open mind and agreed to let a friend show me his iPad!
(On a side note, anyone else find they keep hitting n or m instead of space on the touch keyboard when typing at speed?)

Yeah I'm exactly the same. I think the keyboard should pick up on this and offer to separate them to two different words. Maybe something iOS4 will offer us as well as some other cool features the iPhone version doesn't.
I agree with others have said. The iPad has become a regular fixture for me. It's never far from reach so I use it for internet, magazine, books and email. It's replaced my laptop and I have an iMac for the heavy stuff.
Since this has been bumped, I'll check in and say that my usage of the iPad is gradually becoming more normalised - it's a regular fixture on my commutes to work and my go-to tool to pick up for the Internet, video, little bits of gaming, and reading.

I guess that, apart from the Internet, it's reading that has provided the most sustained interface-light absorption of content - using the Kindle app, I've got through a book of light essays (by Danny Wallace) switching between the iPad and my iPod Touch, taking advantage of the whispersync feature. I've taken in some magazines too - though magazine apps could do with standardising/converging around an agreed approach to navigation.

My gf basically hasn't picked up her iPad since she bought it (off me), but she picked it up a couple of times last night and was reading in bed with it - and that in itself helped to make mine feel less 'strange' and 'new'.

Still, when I catch myself having used it - especially in such an unselfconscious way - to absorb three different modes of content in a row, I do get a pleasing moment where I marvel at the fact that it's all been on the same device, which still has 42% battery left at the end of the day, and that that, indeed, is a bit magical.

Naughty boy...
I'm finding it's getting better with age. Instead of going "ooh shiny!" and not using an app for more than a few minutes, I'm now settling down and getting things done on it; whether it's iBook reading or browsing news sites.
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