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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 19, 2020
Hi and a happy New year to you all.
Firstly, I apologise if this has already been asked/answered. If it has, I can't find it.

I would like to stop all unnecessary processes from starting automatically at boot-up.
I have searched a lot to try to find the answer but all I ever find is to remove stuff from the login list in system preferences.
The only thing on m list of login items is Activity Monitor and yet, after a fresh startup, there are close to 150 non-essential background processes running using anything between 1 and 40Mb each.
When I say 'non-essential' I mean stuff that I never have and probably never will use.
I use the machine predominantly for image processing. Photoshop itself uses a lot of resources and add to that the fact that a lot of the images I work with are upwards of 1Gb, I don't need stuff like Calander Agent, Spotlight, Notification Centre, etc, etc, sucking memory.

It's been bugging me for quite a while and my new year resolution is to get it sorted.
Any help, advice, pointers will be greatly appreciated.


macrumors 65816
Apr 1, 2013
I guess the question is, what is your version of non-essential startup items vs. what the system actually requires?

Processes like Spotlight and Notification Centre would be standard system processes that will not start up later if not started at startup. If you wanted to disable some of these you would have to work your way through the list and work out how to disable each one line by line. There is no simple checkbox list to disable any of these items.
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