I have 15TB of music, and 6TB of HD movies. Yes i said TB, while that may sound alitle extreme or lot extreme, it is what it is... i love music and have an out of control OCD music addiction with some ADHD in there too, not a good combo...
oh and i am terrified of losing any version of any songs so i have double storage issues also.
i do have some duplicates due to mergin all the comps after home sharing etc, and i have stacks and stack of old Ext HDD and plain HDDs sitting around. I currently use the Seagate Barracuda 3TB and buy them buy the cart load and want to use only those from now on.
I am trying to figure out how to have multiple libraries all on my Mac Pro tower attached to my network with DROBO etc or some type of multiple bay enclosures, prolly go with DROBO...
I need to know how to open 2 or more libraries at same time and i do know the option trick when switching on Itunes, thats not it, i want to see them all in one itunes window (via sidebar) and see the files only if I click on the library. home sharing yes, but then they are on diff accounts and i have to keep switching users etc.
I use a mac pro Quad with 3TB in 4bays for 12, and i have multiple NAS and Ext HDD arrays holding another 24 TB of mp3 mp4 aac flac wav, hd and movie formats etc. not to mention 4TB of photos.. packrat central also have 6 imacs, and a mini, 4 apple tvs and 4 ipads, maybe 6 iphones and pods in the household and i want them all to be able to see and hear all this stuff. i do not like to see 456 movie titles in apple tv, so until apple tv has a better interface for searching and opening movies, this will have to do.
Why would i need this??? because if you have more than a couple TBs on any one library every stroke or click slows down all of Itunes and you get this terrible delay thing and with ADD i tend to keep clicking and then you know what happens....
so i am crazy...yes...but is there any way to do this or any solution that would help???
i do have the Multiple Itunes library management app but i can not see that it does what i need.
thanks for the replies in advance..gotta go keep transferring...