@blairh If I may ask you some additional question. I can see from the pictures you provided that the font sharpness is not that sacrificed, if at all. But how about the alleged:
1. "Sparkle/Glitter" effect that may be present when viewing white or light color. In all honesty, can you set your desktop to white background and tell me if you see any sparkling effect, like microscopic little shinings on the display?
2. "Dirty" effect that may be present on the whole screen and mostly when viewing white or light color? Compared to your glossy screen, does it seem that the nano-textured glass creates the so called "dirty" effect?
These things are what I am mostly afraid of, not so much by the font sharpness.
I have reflections to battle in my room. I hated my 5K glossy iMac and sold it for the reflective screen and got a Dell Ultra Sharp 4K with some sort of anti-glare coating. Text on the Dell is very sharp, anti glare is acceptable, but not great.
So I am not very certain what to do, and I can't see the nano-texture in person as said in a previous post. So I am relying on forum members to form my opinion and decision to buy the nano-glass or glossy.
My priority is text - that is what I look at all day (software developer). Based on
@blairh photos it seems that I can accept the very slight text "blur", which really seems like some sort of minimal blooming or anti-aliasing effect.
Bit I am very uncertain about the overall image in terms of "sparkling" and "dirty" effect. Please help me make a decision.