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Here's my favorite one that I see on the forums a lot that makes me want to smack people:

How can I possibly setup this [Linksys/Netgear/Belkin/whatever] router with my Mac, the installation CD only works in Windoze!!?!??!??!?!?

I just want to get a big stick with written on it and beat them repeatedly over the head.

Or, here's another favorite:

Can I network a Windows computer and a Mac?

Obviously, the dumb network questions (which maybe aren't entirely dumb if you're a complete newbie but can definitely be answered on your own with about 5 seconds on Google) are my favorite. I've discovered two "arenas", if you will, of people who get way over their head in networking and it's funny/sad to see the things they try sometimes: people on Mac forums and people on Xbox hacking forums. I don't know what it is, but the network questions I see in those two types of communities typically top anything I see elsewhere.

EDIT: And how could I forget (although this has been touched on earlier, I think), my absolute FAVORITE threads are "When is XYZ coming out?" or "Will [totally speculative unannounced product] have option ABC and what will it cost?" As if all of this information is being secretly held by thousands of people, who are only going to post on the Internet about it when someone asks.
I just want to get a big stick with written on it and beat them repeatedly over the head.

Meh, network noobs are "slightly" forgivable, provided they come to me and ask for help. Respectfully :)

Plus, the addy for a router isn't always the same. It's usually easier for them to change their settings to auto (to first ID the addy, if it isn't already labeled).
Meh, network noobs are "slightly" forgivable, provided they come to me and ask for help. Respectfully :)

Plus, the addy for a router isn't always the same. It's usually easier for them to change their settings to auto (to first ID the addy, if it isn't already labeled).

Oh I know, I was just generalizing. My point is, you NEVER need the CD to setup a router, and most instruction manuals actually mention that. If not, like I said a Google search should clear that up. If not, I am usually happy to help, and in truth my frustration with network threads like that is not the original poster but the other people trying to "help" by suggesting all sorts of weird things. I once came upon a thread where that was the question (how do I setup my router without a Windows PC), and there were already 15 replies and NOT ONE had just told the OP to configure the router through his browser. Seriously, the Xbox forums I used to visit were atrocious. I couldn't believe the crap people were spewing who *thought* they knew something about networking.
Probably already been posted. However:

"Bill Gates is t3h evil! Vista/any other piece of software copies OS X!!!"

Some truth in both statements, but Gates is the world's greatest philanthropist and has done amazing work in Africa. And Apple may be innovators but Vista was in development for 7 years and had planned many of the things Mac users complain about long before Tiger, MS just couldn't ship their product in time.
Dude: "What type of computer do you use at home?" :)
Me: "I use a Mac." :D
Dude: "A what?" :confused:
Me: "Apple Macintosh!" :mad:
Dude: "Oh." :rolleyes:

How about stupidest answers?

I personally hate when someone says "Why don't you just Google it???"

Sure, why don't we all just "google" everything, and never have any contact with other people. Because we should be afraid of asking questions, since all of them can be answered with a smart response like "google it why don't you, gosh how dare you post a question!!!"


How about stupidest answers?

I personally hate when someone says "Why don't you just Google it???"

Sure, why don't we all just "google" everything, and never have any contact with other people. Because we should be afraid of asking questions, since all of them can be answered with a smart response like "google it why don't you, gosh how dare you post a question!!!"


True, I find it a little mean when somebody asking something relatively complex is told to google it.

But starting a thread asking how to get a CD out of a Mac? C'mon!

Stupidest statment from Mac users? How about...

"The first 30 years were just the beginning... welcome to 2007"

"Redmond, start your photocopiers"

"Just one more sleepless night"

This is the number one thing that annoys me about Apple. They can sometimes seem so smug and up themselves and think the whole computing/music world revolves around them. And that attitude is showing more and more lately, in those tv ads and the last WWDC with all the Vista bashing. I want to like Apple but with that kind of attitude it just really puts me off them.

Dude, they're marketing slogans and they accomplish exactly what they're designed to...they get people talking.

Yes, Apple and many of its users are smug...for good reason.
Obsolete now, but I hated when Mac users smugly snooted out the term "Wintel". Oh the irony.... The funny thing is that most Mac users at the time (and maybe still now, who knows?) did not realize that one can have a PC that has absolutely nothing to do with either Windows or Intel. AMD + Linux/BSD is a perfectly viable option.

One that still gets on my nerves is the derogatory term "PeeCee." Um, right. Get a life.

How about this one: "Powerbook G5 next Tuesday!!!!111" :D
Obsolete now, but I hated when Mac users smugly snooted out the term "Wintel".

I say Wintel sometimes because it's the easiest way to discuss the whole hardware + software architecture, even now when there are Macs running off x86 and Core processors.

But I never really used it as a derogatory term. I find that whole business really irritating... like you said, "peecee" and also insisting on using "windblows" or "M$" every single time a person wants to refer to the respective name. It seems to me a lot of those people end up being angry about a mixture of a specific technological issue, which has to do with their Windows ignorance more than MS's product quality, and just some overall random angst directed at Microsoft because they're successful.... They get the coveted :rolleyes:™.
This is more of an annoying statement and one not necessarily from noobs:

"Wow!! They didn't talk about Mac's or anything else about them at the Macworld? WFT?!?!@23!@#!@#@!#!@#1/232131231231 an iPhone?!1 more like an iF**kup!!!"
"pc users are ignorant, they know nothing about computers"
I would imagine (and I could very well be wrong) that the average PC user knows more about the technological side of computers than the average Mac user. I say this because of the difference in likelihood that either has ever built a custom machine or even opened their own machine up to add or swap hardware.

That said, perhaps the average Mac user deserves more credit (after all, they did choose Mac). ;)

PC users are definitely not ignorant. Not all of them anyways. I realize you were quoting that, not stating that, just felt I'd chime in. :)

I'd have to disagree with that. On average, a Mac user uses a PC at work (or something like it) and comes home to their Mac. Whereas your average PC user has no knowledge of a Mac.

Those that build their own boxes is such a small portion of the population it likely doesn't affect the numbers enough.
Are you referring to the platform aspect of computers? I am only referring to the technical side, as is "what does GHz mean?", etc.

Hmm. Well, that aspect might be a toss-up. The example you use, clock speed, Mac users are painfully aware of due the the MHz myths over the years leading up to the Intel transition. But items like Video cards would probably go to the PC user. Though I'd say that both camps throw away their machine rather that upgrade it.

I think it would be difficult to measure.
Average Mac or PC User?

No offense friends, but I think the notion, you can determine the 'average' user's profile, is suspect. That would require an exhaustive demographic analysis. The diversity is huge. So, the discussion will ultimately come down to your individual perceptions of what that is.
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