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Hmm, it wasn't on the Mac I bought in April.

I know that both iWork and Office 2008 are installed on the demo Macs on display in the Apple store.
That's just a free trial. After the trial period is up, it stops working.

Ahh, I see. Thanks for clearing that up. I can't believe how different my resume reads in Word vs Pages. It was made on Word by the original writer. Pages had the font all wrong after I tried to save it in Pages (as a Word OR Pages doc), it didn't have any of the nice lines that were originally on it, and the over look on Word blew Pages away. Also, Pages had the page layout incorrect - what was supposd to be on page 1 was on page 2 so everything was basically "off".

Word is much better for people like me.
Some of the font problems arise because Microsoft uses many non-standard fonts. This has been their history because it has allowed them to dictate the market. (They've sometimes failed with this strategy, e.g. HD-DVD.) Pages does not fully implement some of the formatting that Word has and if a Word document has some of those they will cause problems when opened within Pages.

However, if one makes a Pages document de novo, it can be easier to do than in Word. One thing I hate about Word is that you cannot easily place images (as you have noted earlier in this thread). In Pages, it's pretty easy to put them where you want them once you unlock the image. I'm opposite of you - I used Word since 1993 until 2008. When iWork 09 was released I switched to it and use it exclusively (except when dealing with shared documents with some of my Windows friends).
Some of the font problems arise because Microsoft uses many non-standard fonts. This has been their history because it has allowed them to dictate the market. (They've sometimes failed with this strategy, e.g. HD-DVD.) Pages does not fully implement some of the formatting that Word has and if a Word document has some of those they will cause problems when opened within Pages.

However, if one makes a Pages document de novo, it can be easier to do than in Word. One thing I hate about Word is that you cannot easily place images (as you have noted earlier in this thread). In Pages, it's pretty easy to put them where you want them once you unlock the image. I'm opposite of you - I used Word since 1993 until 2008. When iWork 09 was released I switched to it and use it exclusively (except when dealing with shared documents with some of my Windows friends).

HD DVD was Microsoft?

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