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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 18, 2024
So here's my use case: I browse MR daily, and it seems like a good chunk of the articles are about deals/sales in North America. As someone who lives in Europe, those are pretty much useless to me, so I would like a way to automatically hide those.

A possible way to do this would be to expand the existing "roundup" label from "Apple deals" with a regional component (so "Apple deals - NA" for example), and allow registered users to explicit opt out of certain labels.

This could also be used to allow users to opt out of other things, like articles about OS updates for device categories they don't own, for example.


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2013
Not going to happen. MR relies on such deals to draw traffic to their site and to the site of the company providing the deal. Even if the deal is only available in the US, members from outside of the US are still able to click on the deal link to go to the companies website. This then generates website views for the company hosting the deal which would result in MR getting some advertising revenue from the company. I seriously doubt MR host these deals for free on their site out of the goodness of their heart. They would want money for hosting the deal, they are not going to do it for free in my opinion.


May 6, 2011
Up to the OP to decide if $50 is worth it to filter the front page. A pretty weak offering imo.


Jun 30, 2007
t seems like a good chunk of the articles are about deals/sales in North America.

I don't remember seeing any of these that weren't U.S. items. Not sure who determines that a "deal" should be highlighted. It also might relate to site compensation for redirects or related to site useage. Probably way off in numbers but vaguely remember that ~60% of the users are U.S. based, Canada and the U.K. were next with > 20% (?) each. Maybe a Moderator can provide more accurate numbers.
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