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This game is irritating the heck out of me!! How can I be so uncoordinated?
I hate these stupid little monkeys! I so wished I was good, because the game looks like it would be so much fun if I ever managed to move my monkey where I wanted him... I suck...
So after reading all of this, I ask you, should I get it? Is it fun or just irritating? Also wondering if it gives a reasonable amount of time to complete each level.
I just finished beating it. I think I died 50 times on the very last level before I was able to beat it. It takes patience and skill!

In my opinion, it is worth the $10.
I just finished beating it. I think I died 50 times on the very last level before I was able to beat it. It takes patience and skill!

In my opinion, it is worth the $10.

Sorry for the bump but I JUST finished it twice. Once was not enough for me. THis game is well worth your money. Give it time and practice. Then you will be a pro!
I've given it way more time than I'd like and have nothing to show for it. Fact is, it's a crappy app because even though its possible to figure out how to use it, it takes way to long and the fun is lost.
Love the game, but since my iPhone keeps crashing, I'm getting a bit tired of having to start again from level 1.
I've not played it for a while but I will go back to it, I'll tell you this though it's much better than star wars;)
I Beat It!!!

After all this time I have finally beaten the entire game! That includes getting all the bananas on all of the levels, even the hidden stages!!
Amazing Record

Is there some kind of record on the youngest person to finish super monkey ball on apple iphone. My son finished all 5 islands (200 levels) right before his 3rd birthday.
Is there some kind of record on the youngest person to finish super monkey ball on apple iphone. My son finished all 5 islands (200 levels) right before his 3rd birthday.

Impressive. I'm 22 and haven't been able to do that yet.
Is there some kind of record on the youngest person to finish super monkey ball on apple iphone. My son finished all 5 islands (200 levels) right before his 3rd birthday.

There is actually 105 levels, and i find it unimaginable that a 2 year old could finish this whole game

and as others have said... level 5.10 easy, seems impossible, not enough time to cover such a large map! frustrating!
^ guess I have to start playing more. I like that game but am no where near done.
I love Super Monkey Ball. It was the first app I downloaded, which was when all that chaos happened with the release of 2.0, when the servers went down or something crazy like that, I dunno.

You get used to the controls after a while, but, admittedly, they are slightly oversensitive! Still, the game is worth £5.99, which is how much it cost when I brought it!
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