OK, I just completed "upgrading" both of my Macs to the latest version of Catalina, OS 10.15.6. Here are the steps I took:
1. On Thursday, I used dosdude1's patcher to download the full installation file for OS 10.15.6.
2. Today, I did my normal weekly cleanup/maintenance/repair, and backup, tasks. I first ran Onyx, then Tech Tool Pro, and finally SuperDuper!, making 2 backups to two external SSDs.. As expected, everything went smoothly, and the SD backups were of my OS 10.15.4 systems on both of my Macs. (I had the OS 10.15.6 Installer file saved, and it was included in the backup).
3. Restarted each Mac from its respective, just completed SD backup.
4. Launched Disk Utility from that backup, and Erased and Formatted, as APFS, the internal SSD for the respective Mac.
5. Navigated to the OS 10.15.6 Installer file, launched it, and did a fresh, clean installation of OS 10.15.6 onto the respective internal SSD.
6. After that completed, as usual, I was offered the opportunity to migrate/copy needed "stuff" from a backup. I chose the just completed SD one, and everything migrated flawlessly.
7. Each Mac restarted, and the final thing I needed to do was to create the eDrive that is part of the Tech Tool Pro application. That does take some time, especially on my Mac Book Air, but it completed flawlessly also.
So it looks like I am good to go. Just hope when I do my SD backups next week of my OS 10.15.6 systems, those backups will be bootable. Supposed to be.