Sorry my good sir for not typing everything as technical as you like. I didn't know Internet people would take such words as literal thought. Of course we all know Microsoft sold some RT units, sure any logical person knows that.
Writing down something means a profit now? It's successful? I need to catch up with the times.
Didn't mean to offend your reading today. I'm enjoying a sunny day without a cloud in the sky. However that would offend you as well because your response would likely be " technically there are some clouds in the sky".
I guess I should post exact numbers, dates, and time along with the seconds to be in correspondence.
Why do you keep talking about a goal post? Why should care what you are doing with it? Weird.
Writing down means you're making less money than you thought you would.
Seriously, the sooner you learn what a write-down is the better off you'll be.