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Speculating doesnt help TS much though.
He should just try swapping drives, if it boots he's going to install updates anyway and if they behave as you describe he will not have problems.

Well, I know for sure that I have had instances where it has not worked, which certainly means I can't claim "it will work." I can say "It will work under these conditions" which is exactly what I said. :)

You can pretty much always boot them, but things can go downhill from there.

Maybe i can restore the dmg file to a usb flash drive?

That should work, I've done that before.
That should work, I've done that befor

Thanks. Its restoring now. Its strange that it wont burn properly to DVD.

I wonder if the restore function would work straight to DVD?
The USB copy works! Boots and says it will install. Hopefully my mate will be pleased.

Thanks everyone for your help.
W r o n g.

There are loads of drivers in everyones system that are not for the machine.
I have swapped boot drives between mac mini's, mac pro's, and macbook pro's. There has never been an issue. The boot drive I'm running my 2010 MBP with (and have been since august) was the boot drive in my Mac Pro 2006, for example. No problems. Camera worked right after replacing the drive.

The retail disc is of course copy protected.

Successfully copied the boot disc in the end to DVD. Took 5 goes but works. The install worked fine with no problems. This proves the retail disc is not copy protected. So, Cindori, you are in fact W r o n g.

Thanks for all your help tho.
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