Myi pad went back today
full refund
no problems at all
Apple are happy to exchange my iPad for the 32gb one, no charge just need to wait for stock to arrive!
Cool, carry on returning those ipads and we should start to see some refurb's in the online apple store.
More likely to be refurbed and used as genius bar replacements first. I wish I got the 32gb in the first place instead of my 16gb I am writing on now.
Maybe a slight tangent, but I bought mine yesterday from PC World, but now want a bigger one, I asked them, and they won't accept it, will Apple? Or is my only option eBay?
PC world won't let you do such a thing. But they will allow you to do a refund, so long as you return it within 7 days. Then you can repurchase a larger one.
Yeah, I rang them up, they just said no, we don't have a returns policy - it was basically get screwed in all honesty. It's an awesome piece of kit though, so I'll just stick with it! One thing though, can you return one you've bought from PC World to Apple?