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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 9, 2012
So I was with Verizon and decided to take advantage of the Spring 1 year free unlimited offer. Thought what do I have to lose? The service is absolutely least where I live. I consistently get 1 or 2 bars everywhere and typically 1 indoors.

Data is slow as balls can't load Facebook or Instagram feed and music keeps buffering. Does anyone know if there's a wait time before you can switch to another carrier? I literally got the Sprint service yesterday and I'm ready to leave
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Did Verizon send you any deals to win you back after porting? If so, take them up on it.


macrumors 68030
Dec 30, 2010
I am guessing you have some trial/back out deal with Sprint.
I am guessing you let Sprint port your number over.

You can call Verizon to cancel your account. (you do not have to call as it happens automatically) You might be able to get some deal from the retention desk. DO NOT TELL THEM YOU WANT TO COME BACK RIGHT AWAY. Let them beg you to come back.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 9, 2012
I mean this is ridiculous. This is not even worth being free for a year. Good grief.


Sep 21, 2012
In the middle of several books.
If I am not mistaken, you have 72hrs to cancel your contract. If it is been 24hrs or less, talk to Verizon, they may work with you to get you back as a customer.

Whatever you do with Sprint, make sure you get names and in writing.


macrumors member
Apr 6, 2017
I used to have Sprint in Queens, NY.

Where I lived, I was getting .08 down, and 'LTE' gave me 1mbps for the 10 yards I had it at the train station. Data was unusable in the bronx the one time I went to an ambulatory center, and chewed through my battery while idle.

I also used it occasionally at Union Square and data was so slow that everything timed out. Upstate NY, best I got was .5 in most areas.

Moved to AT&T and never looked back, I'll never touch anything Sprint related ever again.

As a former Sprint user, I understand your pain and I'm sorry you are going through it.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I live in Miami for crying out loud, in a suburb. Not anywhere remotely rural. I got 50+mb download and 30+ upload with Verizon in the same location.

Yeah, Sprint's fairly bad depending on where you live in Florida and Miami is one of those places.

The speeds you report were pretty much average the last four years I was on Sprint (Phoenix, 2011-2015).


macrumors 603
Oct 19, 2005
Weird that you get such bad service here. I use T-Mobile but know quite a few people around here with Sprint. Haven't heard such problems.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
One thing I've come to realize ...

Never leave another company for Sprint...

Leave Sprint for another company.

Sprint has to offer these deals because they have to try and add subscribers because they lose them at an alarming rate
My guess…

Two or so years ago Claure comes in and starts to make change things for the better. That's when "Cut your bill in half" comes along.

The time was up last year for those customers, and particularly iPhone for Life customers. All of a sudden, the bill is no longer "half" off but full price.

It's one thing when you aren't paying a lot for spotty coverage and bad customer service. It's another when you're now paying full price.

As I predicted then (at least to myself) those customers bailed.

Now, half-off isn't enough. Too many burned customers.

So now this offer.

I'm betting Sprint management sees the company as 'sold' by the time customers actually have to start paying for their service. If not, the next step is paying the customer for service.

I've heard the argument that this isn't really costing Sprint anything when you compare it to buying out someone's lease or ETF. I'm not sure about that based on how much I pay a month (sans device payments) but whatever.

However, Sprint has made it so you can only do this online and they aren't advertising it. So perhaps that's how they intend to control it.

Which is funny because the reddit page for Sprint has customers already complaining about the congestion new customers who came on this plan are causing.

Typical Sprint though. I did 16 years with them and I've never known them in that time to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 12, 2009
San Clemente, CA USA
If I am not mistaken, you have 72hrs to cancel your contract. If it is been 24hrs or less, talk to Verizon, they may work with you to get you back as a customer.

Whatever you do with Sprint, make sure you get names and in writing.
There is a three day cooling off period law in Florida, but it doesn't apply to cell phone contracts.


macrumors 6502
Apr 15, 2013
Denver, CO
My guess…

Which is funny because the reddit page for Sprint has customers already complaining about the congestion new customers who came on this plan are causing.

Typical Sprint though. I did 16 years with them and I've never known them in that time to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

I would agree. I have spent the last 7 years with Sprint, during the LTE expansion, I decided to renew and stay since speeds were on par again. As of recently, they have taken a dive, offering unlimited data, the network cannot handle it, specially on B25 and B26, 5Mhz up and down. I have already ordered a new iPhone 7 Plus. Cannot and will not go through the congestion issues Sprint has. Already bad enough with 1 -2 bars of signal.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I would agree. I have spent the last 7 years with Sprint, during the LTE expansion, I decided to renew and stay since speeds were on par again. As of recently, they have taken a dive, offering unlimited data, the network cannot handle it, specially on B25 and B26, 5Mhz up and down. I have already ordered a new iPhone 7 Plus. Cannot and will not go through the congestion issues Sprint has. Already bad enough with 1 -2 bars of signal.
Yeah, I think it's simply a matter of the numbers on the balance sheet at this point.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 9, 2012

Called Verizon and explained I wanted to come back because Sprint, at least at my house and surrounding neighborhood was bad. Win back department offered me $200 credit to my account for coming back but the only problem is the rep couldn't get the port to go through.

Seems Sprint is holding my number hostage. I figured they wouldn't make it that easy to jump ship. Verizon rep gave me her email and said to reach out after I call Sprint to find out whats wrong. Surprise, surprise Sprint transferred me 3 times around the world (literally) and claimed the number was good to port. Emailed Verizon back and asked her to try again and if it didn't work I will take a new number (I'm that serious).


May 3, 2011

Called Verizon and explained I wanted to come back because Sprint, at least at my house and surrounding neighborhood was bad. Win back department offered me $200 credit to my account for coming back but the only problem is the rep couldn't get the port to go through.

Seems Sprint is holding my number hostage. I figured they wouldn't make it that easy to jump ship. Verizon rep gave me her email and said to reach out after I call Sprint to find out whats wrong. Surprise, surprise Sprint transferred me 3 times around the world (literally) and claimed the number was good to port. Emailed Verizon back and asked her to try again and if it didn't work I will take a new number (I'm that serious).

A new number is serious.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 28, 2015

Called Verizon and explained I wanted to come back because Sprint, at least at my house and surrounding neighborhood was bad. Win back department offered me $200 credit to my account for coming back but the only problem is the rep couldn't get the port to go through.

Seems Sprint is holding my number hostage. I figured they wouldn't make it that easy to jump ship. Verizon rep gave me her email and said to reach out after I call Sprint to find out whats wrong. Surprise, surprise Sprint transferred me 3 times around the world (literally) and claimed the number was good to port. Emailed Verizon back and asked her to try again and if it didn't work I will take a new number (I'm that serious).
Sprint CANNOT hold your number hostage. I'd try complaints to the FCC, FTC, and the BBB, to get Sprint's attention.
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macrumors 68000
Sep 12, 2016
Same thing happened to me I had at&t and T-Mobile sounded like such a good deal went to them was the worst week ever for cell service went through a bunch of ******** and finally got to go to Verizon and haven't looked back. Both T-Mobile and sprint suck. That being said all 4 of the carriers offer 14 day return so I'd just cut my losses like I did and go back to having good service. T-Mobile ended up waiving my $385 bill after arguing with them for about 3 hours.
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