Nice lens - too much of a hassel to shoot with in my opinion unless you have a support crew. No really, I mean that.
Anyway, funny to see the picking on the 16 year old and his equipment. Nice to see the apology as well. Kudos to both.
I purchased my first 'real' camera when I was 17 - that was 1989/1990, before forums like this - all uunet baby.. Anyway, I wasn't spoiled but, I did have a $1200 body - Olympus OM-4Ti (black) and lots a quality glass to go along with it. I worked in a Photo-Mat booth and washed dishes in a Chinese restaurant to afford it all. Nearly twenty years later and I still have this gear, it's absolutely the best camera I have ever used, though, I do like my older Pentax bodies, the ME-Super, K1000 and PZ-1P.. Truth be told, I ebay'd the Me and K1000 6 months ago. I would have loved to have gone digital with Olympus but they abandoned me. They switched mounts so Pentax got my business and will continue to do so until they screw me too .. lol