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Anticipat3 said:
OK... I'm a little surprised at all this feedback and no good answers.

If you have read access to everything, this isn't a hard problem to fix.

First, make sure the disc is mounted.
Next, make a "Junk" folder on your desktop.

now open a terminal. type these commands:
sudo bash (will log you in as root)
cp -R /Volumes/DVDName/* ~/Desktop/Junk

now it's time to fix the permissions. type these:
chown -R [yourusername] ~/Desktop/Junk/* (makes you the owner)
chmod -R +rw ~/Desktop/Junk/* (gives you read and write permission).

There you go.
You don't understand - cp DOES NOT preserve resource forks. To do that, you have to use the ditto command: "ditto -rsrcFork /Volumes/DVDName ~/Desktop/Junk" (without the quotes - substitute the name of the DVD for DVDName, and substitute whatever you want the destination directory to be called for Junk).
Anticipat3 said:
OK... I'm a little surprised at all this feedback and no good answers.

If you have read access to everything, this isn't a hard problem to fix.

First, make sure the disc is mounted.
Next, make a "Junk" folder on your desktop.

now open a terminal. type these commands:
sudo bash (will log you in as root)
cp -R /Volumes/DVDName/* ~/Desktop/Junk

now it's time to fix the permissions. type these:
chown -R [yourusername] ~/Desktop/Junk/* (makes you the owner)
chmod -R +rw ~/Desktop/Junk/* (gives you read and write permission).

There you go.

almost... i still get the below error messages and the actual documents are coming over at 0(zero)kb.

Last login: Wed May 26 14:51:25 on ttyp2
Welcome to Darwin!
dsl081-070-009:~ eskiba$ sudo bash
dsl081-070-009:~ root# cp -R /Volumes/GeneralDocBackup/* ~/Desktop/Junk
cp: /Volumes/GeneralDocBackup/Quicken Essentials/Backup Folder/6Quicken Data: Input/output error
cp: /Volumes/GeneralDocBackup/Quicken Essentials/Backup Folder/1Quicken Data: Input/output error
cp: /Volumes/GeneralDocBackup/Quicken Essentials/Backup Folder/21Quicken Data: Input/output error
cp: /Volumes/GeneralDocBackup/Quicken Essentials/Backup Folder/2Quicken Data: Input/output error
cp: /Volumes/GeneralDocBackup/Quicken Essentials/Backup Folder/31Quicken Data: Input/output error

dsl081-070-009:~ root# exit
dsl081-070-009:~ eskiba$ exit
[Process completed]
wrldwzrd89 said:
Are you ignoring me or what? I suggested using the ditto command - why haven't you tried it?

no, not at all (believe me) but when i posted in message #21 "sorry for my ignorance, but what exactly do you mean?" i meant - what in the world is the ditto command?
meta-ghost said:
no, not at all (believe me) but when i posted in message #21 "sorry for my ignorance, but what exactly do you mean?" i meant - what in the world is the ditto command?
The ditto command is a relative of the cp command, except that it copies recursively by default and can preserve resource forks with the -rsrcFork switch. It is best used for "cloning" a volume, such as your troublesome DVD.
wrldwzrd89 said:
The ditto command is a relative of the cp command, except that it copies recursively by default and can preserve resource forks with the -rsrcFork switch. It is best used for "cloning" a volume, such as your troublesome DVD.

ok, what exactly do i type?
wrldwzrd89 said:
Look at my post (#26) for guidance on use of the ditto command.

hey thanks, i missed that. i've had some success but not quite there yet. the dvd in question has the home folders for both wife and i. using the ditto command on the dvd resulted in the copying that of files to the junk folder that began good (no errors) but began to get errors (and zero kb files) as the process went on (4 hours...) to the point where all files were errors. since it started with my files (which are not needed) my wife's never made it.

i then used the ditto command with an older (1 year old data) cd that contained her directory. it worked!

since i still want to get the most recent stuff, is it possible to specify the first sub-folder (ie: DVDname/subfolder name) in the ditto command?

thanks again for your time...
meta-ghost said:
hey thanks, i missed that. i've had some success but not quite there yet. the dvd in question has the home folders for both wife and i. using the ditto command on the dvd resulted in the copying that of files to the junk folder that began good (no errors) but began to get errors (and zero kb files) as the process went on (4 hours...) to the point where all files were errors. since it started with my files (which are not needed) my wife's never made it.

i then used the ditto command with an older (1 year old data) cd that contained her directory. it worked!

since i still want to get the most recent stuff, is it possible to specify the first sub-folder (ie: DVDname/subfolder name) in the ditto command?

thanks again for your time...
Yep! Just specify that directory (/Volumes/DVDName/SubDir1 instead of /Volumes/DVDName) as the source (where DVDName is the name of the DVD and SubDir1 is the name of the sub-directory you want copied).
wrldwzrd89 said:
Yep! Just specify that directory (/Volumes/DVDName/SubDir1 instead of /Volumes/DVDName) as the source (where DVDName is the name of the DVD and SubDir1 is the name of the sub-directory you want copied).

i must be doing something wrong. the files are still getting an "input/output error" and are not being copied. here is the terminal info:

dsl081-070-009:~ root# ditto -rsrcFork /Volumes/GeneralDocBackup/natalie/Documents ~/Desktop/Junk
ditto: /Volumes/GeneralDocBackup/natalie/Documents/%pdf: Input/output error
ditto: /Volumes/GeneralDocBackup/natalie/Documents/.DS_Store: Input/output error
ditto: /Volumes/GeneralDocBackup/natalie/Documents/.FBCIndex: Input/output error
ditto: /Volumes/GeneralDocBackup/natalie/Documents/.FBCLockFolder/.FBCSemaphoreFile: Input/output error
"Input/Output error" usually relates to a problem with the medium. It might be that your DVD can't be read in some problems, which is a very common problem with DVD-Rs. Do you have another backup?
what if he made a dmg of the cd and then copied it with the finder?
i'm not saying to actually do that... i want to know if others think that wouldn't mess up the resource forks and permissions....

crenz said:
"Input/Output error" usually relates to a problem with the medium. It might be that your DVD can't be read in some problems, which is a very common problem with DVD-Rs. Do you have another backup?

worse than a dvd-r, it's a dvd-rw... i'm beginning to think it might be damaged. no other backup...

anybody know an inexpensive place i can send it to for retrieval?
meta-ghost said:
worse than a dvd-r, it's a dvd-rw... i'm beginning to think it might be damaged. no other backup...
I've heard that Mac OS X Panther's support for DVD-RW is flaky at best - this flakiness could be what you are experiencing (some things DVD-RW related work; others don't; still others work inconsistently).
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