I believe that scrolling and animations might be smoother, but it's been tested extensively and apps don't really launch any faster on it. Any progress is good progress, though, but I'm a little circumspect of the placebo effect.
Don't know where you got your information, but the opposite is true.
First of all, let's break it down a little and understand how Android works and compare it to iOS. When you build iOS application, you actually compile them on your build machine and send the binary (executable) to the device. The device executes the device-specific binary and all is well with the world.
Android, on the other hand, is abstracted from the hardware, as it can run on multiple devices and can enable/disable many options depending on what the underlying hardware supports. This abstract hardware environment is the run time (analogous to a virtual machine). So when you build software for Android, it's actually built into an intermediary language called bytecode. This isn't an executable that runs directly on the hardware (i.e. it doesn't access physical registers, physical memory and so on). Instead, it requires a runtime to launch it. This runtime is called Dalvik. Dalvik will JIT (just in time) compile the code and execute it.
The first time you launch an application, it has to be JIT compiled every time. This is fairly fast on Android, but it's noticeable. Once you launch that app it'll stay memory resident (and there's also cache to speed things up, but that's not important right now).
Now, what ART (Android Run Time) provides is AOT (Ahead of Time) compilation. That means that the apps are pre-compiled to your physical device right after they're downloaded from the play store. So you take the compilation hit once, store the binary locally and every time you use the phone everything just runs natively.
Hope you followed all of that. That's the reason your post can't be true. It's also not a placebo, there's a real difference, it may be minuscule or large depending on how one uses their devices, but there's a measurable difference.
Lastly, this whole process uses less CPU cycles and increases battery life.
EDIT: Quick analogy... this is similar to running Winows natively on your machine (Boot Camp) vs. running it in a virtual machine (Parallels). Hope that helps.