Congrats on the kid too.
Rug rats are expensive, have you thought about just not having a TV full stop?
I also looked into getting an apple TV for my baby, but in the end, after discussions with my partner, we decided to just put our tv in storage in the attic. Reasons being:
- Various health bodies recommend little or no tv before age 2.
- our sprog quickly figured out how to turn the TV on, and was alway turning it on behind our backs
- she would stand with her face pressed up to the TV glass - eek!
- we do watch baby einstein etc every now and then, on our laptops, with our kid next to us.
- on laptops, it is easier to point to the screen and ask various questions / make comments about whats happening - it becomes more of a shared activity.
- we (parents) spent too much time wigging out in front of the tv in the evening, when just having a nap or a bath or reading something would actually be more restful.
Sorry, this is the most pretentious, harmful, idiotic thing you could do for a child.
Why not forbid them to ride in a car because it might leak emmisions?
OMG! I am a proud parent of 2 baby girls... who have NEVER had TV restrictions put on them. IT IS HOW YOU TEACH THEM.
My 6 year old just finished reading AND COMPREHENDING the latest Harry Potter book, and is skipping her second grade in 2 years, (skipped Kindergarten and went to 1st grade, and now will be in the third grade curriculum) this fall at a private school.
Her social abilities would absolutely be TRASHED if she could not hold a conversation, right or wrong, with other children her age about their favorite shows, etc.
She watches probably 30 minutes of TV in the morning, and an hour at night (or more)... we both LOVE to watch movies!!!
However, there are plenty of times where we sit and read to each other, or she loves doing her "workbooks" full of word and math problems...
Just putting the TV up in the attic is creating a horribly caustic view of the real problem: PARENT INVOLVEMENT.
Let me tell you something, there are great ways to LEARN from T.V. It does NOT have to be a boob tube... it can be a wonderful learning experience in CONJUNCTION with other learning tool sets.
I feel very sad for your child.