For example:
I want to do a presentation with a video Beamer connected to the ipad. How should I now charge the ipad if the Battery is low?
Prudence dictates charging your battery before a presentation.
I do that on my laptop.
For example:
I want to do a presentation with a video Beamer connected to the ipad. How should I now charge the ipad if the Battery is low?
You won't be able to give presentations that exceed 10 hours... this is a pretty huge Achilles heel for the iPad and I can't believe it hasn't been discussed before.
It's not realted to your fishing dock at your lake property and how you make sure it can be maintained.
Speaking of the big dock, it needs to be able to shrink in some way when not use use.
Yeah I think the odds of the audience stoning the presenter is much greater than the chance the iPad battery will run out first.
With my iPhone, I've never had a problem with battery life using this because it charges your phone while it feeds video simultaneously.
OR am I missing a point to this thread?????
It's not an oversight on Apple's behalf, it's just undercooked at R&D I'm sure.
I am so glad people are thinking more about toilet humour than about the challenges/opportunities the iPad provides... very helpful.