The guy's name was Kettering
If you want to start a flame war, go on the MG forum and ask about replacing your points with an electronic module.
BTW, for anyone who detests points, there are electronic options available. The most common and least expensive option(common enough that you can buy it across the counter for a lot of common distributors at auto parts stores) is the Pertronix. It's a hall effect sensor with a magnet ring that fits on the center shaft. They're around $100 and entirely contained in the distributor, although they have their downside. There are more complex and expensive options. I ran a Pertronix module in my MG for a while, although I don't anymore.
My biggest issue now is quality of points and condensers. I buy them from a guy in Minnesota who rebuilds Lucas and Bosch distributors, and works over the points and condensers before he sells them. They're a bit more expensive, but not by a huge amount.
Granted I now run a "hybrid" system where I use points to trigger a capacitive discharge ignition(CDI). Since the points are only an on/off switch in this system, the only wear is between the rubbing block and the cam. The system intentionally runs ~500mA through the points to keep them clean, but you don't have the 300+V at a couple of amps as in a Kettering system-that's what chews through the tungsten sputtering(which, by the way, is often inconsistent or too thin on modern points).