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Treated myself to some splendid cheeses today: A soft goat's cheese with cranberry, a superb breakfast cheese; Reblochon, creamy, oozing and delicious; Camembert; Roquefort - unusually creamy yet tart; Forme d'Ambert (another excellent blue); Raclette; aged Comte; and aged Gouda.
Just polished off a Limburger on Pumpernickel with thinly sliced White Onions. It was a religious experience. ;)
for you or the hell you sent people to because of your breath? :DLimburger most of what I see does not look like high quality.
Do you recommend this cheese?

Ah, yes, I think I do (given that I purchase it weekly).

Okay: I freely and readily admit that I love it.

More seriously, it is mild and sweet and can be slathered on fresh French bread, or good quality bread, which is then toasted. To my palate, it is a perfect breakfast cheese when I want something savoury, but not too overwhelming.

And for a Gorgonzola sauce (melted, with a little double cream) to serve with steak, or with pasta served as a Gorgonazola sauce - perhaps with some other left over blue - Stilton, Roquefort, Cashel Blue, bleu d'Auvergne, added for greater 'bite', (okay, for this dish, you use a fair bit more cream), it is incomparable.
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I bought a firmer cremosa a while back and found it very mild, too. I'm sure I've had it in the past, but I simply couldn't remember. At first glance, it looks like a strong cheese but it isn't.
I bought a firmer cremosa a while back and found it very mild, too. I'm sure I've had it in the past, but I simply couldn't remember. At first glance, it looks like a strong cheese but it isn't.

Gorgonzola Cremosa is exceedingly mild, (and quite sweet); perfect on toast, or when used to prepare a Gorgonzola (i.e. blue cheese) sauce to serve with pasta. If I want a stronger flavour from this sauce, I'll add another blue cheese (Roquefort, Cashel Blue, Bleu d'Auvergne, etc) to the sauce.

There is another version of Gorgonzola which is sharper and firmer; this is called Gorgonzola Piccante.
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Do strangle your autocorrect for me.


I am coming to loathe it, to be honest, and wish to strangle it regularly.

As it happens, I rarely check posts before pressing "post reply", and I really detest the controlling tendency of that thing to decide it knows better than I do what I wish to write.

However, there is another issue, which is, as I age, I find that I am not hitting each key with equal strength, (the location of some letters means that they are not struck correctly), and therefore, sometimes a key I have tapped with insufficient strength hasn't registered at all, and that is when the stupid auto-correct decides to substitute something else.

Anyway, thanks for drawing my attention to this; the error has been identified, edited and corrected.
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I am coming to loathe it, to be honest, and wish to strangle it regularly.

As it happens, I rarely check posts before pressing "post reply", and I really detest the controlling tendency of that thing to decide it knows better than I do what I wish to write.

However, there is another issue, which is, as I age, I find that I am not hitting each key with equal strength, (the location of some letters means that they are not struck correctly), and therefore, sometimes a key I have tapped with insufficient strength hasn't registered at all, and that is when the stupid auto-correct decides to substitute something else.

Anyway, thanks for drawing my attention to this; the error has been identified, edited and corrected.
I rarely if ever proof read any post I make online. I'll proofread anything official or work related, though. Sometimes I look back at old posts and wonder if I'd had a wee bit too much that evening.

If I'm using a Mac computer and using Safari, I'll disable the autocorrect because it's an absolute nuisance.
I rarely if ever proof read any post I make online. I'll proofread anything official or work related, though. Sometimes I look back at old posts and wonder if I'd had a wee bit too much that evening.

If I'm using a Mac computer and using Safari, I'll disable the autocorrect because it's an absolute nuisance.

Yes, professionally, anything official or work-related, I will most certainly proof in advance - sometimes going so far as to even print out a hard copy, as errors are so much easier to spot that way.

And the having partaken of a wee bit too much of an evening, well, this is something I am not unfamiliar with, either.

However, it is especially infuriating when auto-correct decides your life (and spelling) need remedial action when you have not so much as managed a sniff of a bottle of white Burgundy.
I had a cashel and garden tomato sandwich for lunch today. Bread I made. Whole wheat with a preferment and finely chopped toasted cashews. Raw cashews I bought and toasted myself.
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finally bit the bullet and ordered some Parmigiano Reggiano PDO"Vacche Rosse/Red cows" seasoned 40/48 months
the fist bite made it seem mellow but it gets stronger fast. it is not a cheese to eat much of by its self. nice and crunchy and can taste grassy. my esophagus complained a bit since I tried it by its self as it arrived right after lunch.
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