My favorite cheeses for other than grilled cheese sandwhiches are Blue, Muenster, Brie, and White American on a Black Forest ham sandwhich with the new variant mayo made with olive oil, hmm.
Yes, mustard!![]()
Try Camembert; better than Brie at times.
And the blues - a family I have an unseemly passion for - vary quite a lot.
Some are creamy, (and even borderline sweet - a young Gorgonzola Cremificato, or Cremoso, for example) while others re harder, saltier, and much sharper.
And, then, some mange to hit that "sweet spot" where they are both creamy and somewhat salty, with almost a depth of caramel (ripe Stilton, ripe Cashel Blue, St Agur, the very best of the Roquefort...)