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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Big Enchilada Spoiler
Anyone care to confirm these plot points?

Julie Mao is onboard an OPA ship called the Scopuli that heads out to intercept a ship called the Anubis coming from a research station (Phoebe) that does secret research and is headed for Eros Station. They discover Anubis is a gun ship, they are boarded, and she is taken prisoner, locked n a room.

However, something on the Anubis gets loose in the Scopilu (by accident or on purpose?) and kills everyone except Julie, locked in a room. Evidence is the growth on Scopuli's reactor discovered by the Canterbury's shuttle crew investigating a distress beacon. The distress beacon is a setup planted by Anubis crew members to lure a ship, the Canterbury? This appears to be chance and Canterbury's bad luck.

As part of a plot to start a war between Earth and Mars, the Anubis (owned by unknown players) with stealth capabilities nukes the Canterbury, an ice hauler headed for Ceres Station, which investigates the beacon. The Canterbury's shuttle crew escapes, until they apprehended by a Martian Warship, the Donnager.

Phase two of starting an Earth-Mars war, a group of other similar highly advanced ships, attack and defeat the Donnager. However before they can take control of the Doniger, the skipper initiates a self destruct, with all hands on board. It's unknown how many of the stealth ships are destroyed in the explosion, if any? Prior to the explosion, the Canterbury's crew escapes in a Martian gunship carried onboard the Donnager.

Back on the Scopuli, whatever was onboard the Anubis got loose, and ate the crew. Julie breaks out of the room she is locked in, witnesses the horror, takes the Anubis and parks it on an isolated asteroid, activating a specialized beacon for the OPA to find. She then takes an Anubis shuttle and goes to Eros, where she discovers she is sick too.

So far so good? :)


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Well, looks like season 2 got off to quite a start with what feels like a more dynamic and interesting pacing to the story.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
I have to say that I'm enjoying this season quite a bit so far, probably somewhat more than the first one.
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macrumors regular
Feb 26, 2014
I really loved the Navoo launch sequence. I dunno why, but it made me realise the amount of coordination and planning that must go on behind the scenes. Iirc, the books do not go into that detail. It was brilliant.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Thread revival.
I discovered there are 3 Seasons of The Expanse on Amazon Prime. I read the first book and enjoyed it, so I’m going to try this series again.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Last edited:


macrumors 603
Oct 10, 2014
Just finished Season 3. A very well written and produced series. I'd like to see where things will go from here. The end of Season 3 left it open. Wide open.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Just finished Season 1, it’s true to book and excellently done. On to Season 2! :)


Season 2 Trailer (spoiler for season 1)​
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Two months to Season 4, I am rewatching Season 2, on episode 9, the crew is on their way to Ganymede in search of clues to the protomolecule, Gunny Draper a loyal Martian finds that her loyalties are changing as she is pressured to lie for the MCRN, an excellent story arc.

Have not yet watched Season 3, but that is next on my agenda.
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macrumors 601
Nov 10, 2018
Two months to Season 4, I am rewatching Season 2, on episode 9, the crew is on their way to Ganymede in search of clues to the protomolecule, Gunny Draper a loyal Martian finds that her loyalties are changing as she is pressured to lie for the MMC, an excellent story arc.

Have not yet watched Season 3, but that is next on my agenda.

<3 Draper!
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macrumors Core
Aug 17, 2007
Two months to Season 4, I am rewatching Season 2, on episode 9, the crew is on their way to Ganymede in search of clues to the protomolecule, Gunny Draper a loyal Martian finds that her loyalties are changing as she is pressured to lie for the MMC, an excellent story arc.

Have not yet watched Season 3, but that is next on my agenda.

This is an awesome show. Very well done.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I’m not moved often watching television but The Expanse Season 2 Episode 12, the evacuation of Ganymede and having to choose 50 survivors moved me, again. :)
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