I spoke too soon. One of the deployment bands broke today. The pin or whatever holds it snapped in place.It seems very sturdy. I have only had it a few days but am not concerned at all about it breaking. It really makes the leather band feel like a much more expensive item.
Who else has the quality of the leather? Nothing on Amazon or AliExpress do.I ordered a brown Hermes replica from the Taobao seller everyone here is talking about. Normal buckle, not the deployment one. There are a few other people selling similar belts for $20-30 though.
Seller jumped in and sending me a replacement deployment buckle. They are also sending me the normal one so I can change later if I want.I spoke too soon. One of the deployment bands broke today. The pin or whatever holds it snapped in place.
I guess I will find out how good this seller is now. I have a message in to them about this and my concern it will happen to the other band. There doesn’t seem anyway I can repair or fix this myself.
Very bummed
Who else has the quality of the leather? Nothing on Amazon or AliExpress do.
My genuine link arrived from that nice Taobao seller. It's perfect. Looks immaculate. Feels a lot more sturdy and solid than my gen6 clone did. Still waiting on my Hermes clone.
I’m pretty sure that the link bracelet is genuine, eg coming as QA rejects from the factory. You seriously can’t tell the difference from the Apple one.
I’m glad so many of you like the Taobao bands.
I should really get commission from him cos I first posted it on here hahah
Wanna order a space black link bracket from him.
Really would like to order a link bracelet from him. But downloading all these apps just to get in contact with him seems like so much trouble.
Wanna order a space black link bracket from him.
Really would like to order a link bracelet from him. But downloading all these apps just to get in contact with him seems like so much trouble.
Question for the Urvoi link bracelet owners, do you wear your watch to sleep? (As I seat here, clicking refresh on the tracking info, waiting for my order to get here, I was wondering how durable it is, and if sleeping with it would mess it up).
Nope. I wear my sport loop to bed. Link is all business plus I may be one of the few that think the Velcro loop is cheap junk. So it spends its time in the bed. Link is beautiful
I own the Nike sport loop. I would never pay 60 for it. My wife has the urovi version and it’s exactly the same as my legit. Not a lick of difference and it was 10 bucks.
So I received my four urovi bands. The link and sport loop are dead set matches to the real deal.
Pictured also is my legit leather loop and urovi version. 98% close. Material feels the same but the leather loop has no scent. Urovi is real leather. No quality differences at all from any of their bands that I’ve ordered.
The black link, price? Is Urovi a website? Brand on Amazon?
Can you explain as to why it is a crapper?
Received the urvoi Hermes band. It’s meh. Supposed to genuine leather. I question that. Has a sort of smell that I don’t believe is swift leather.
On the other hand, I ordered one from the famous taobao seller so we will see. Urvoi leather loop is drop dead the same as the Og Apple one. This Hermes one is a crapper
Has anyone who has ordered a Hermes band from taobao tested its leather against the real thing? Interested to know if they are with the 50 US dollars as compared to say urvoi