Pulled the trigger on a Bandwerk Stockholm Vintage Tan leather strap yesterday. Excited to receive it! Will update with images when it is on my wrist.
Image from their official site, www.bandwerk.com
Got it today, looks very nice in person. Smooth and soft leather. Like all brown (tan) leather, it will wear very nice. And the patina will be better when it is worn. The only complaint is that It is a bit to wide for my narrow wrist. But this is me having puny wrists. Another complaint is the BW logo on the buckle, but that might be solved...
All in all very happy. Looks very smart and will absolutely rock with tan boots and belt.

Image from their official site, www.bandwerk.com
Got it today, looks very nice in person. Smooth and soft leather. Like all brown (tan) leather, it will wear very nice. And the patina will be better when it is worn. The only complaint is that It is a bit to wide for my narrow wrist. But this is me having puny wrists. Another complaint is the BW logo on the buckle, but that might be solved...
All in all very happy. Looks very smart and will absolutely rock with tan boots and belt.
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