Hi Boomhowler,No that sounds great actually, I can't even run the "go to page" on the air somehow.
No, I agree, this is a crazy small file for a computer to handle. Any modern computer should not break a sweat when opening a 900 page text file.. it's crazy, those files should fit on a floppyWord (in print view) does something that is super-not-optimized. Personally I prefer LaTeX, but it is not always possible to use that.
In the 3GPP example, Word is the only program that is allowed to use when editing the standards. They did some investigations years ago and found that some features in Open office didn't translate at all when the docs where opened with Word, so then Word "won". I was not part of this work and I surely would not have advocated for using Word instead of the open variants.. and the most used feature that the author's want from word is "track changes" and similar tools, and those are frankly pretty good in Word. But surely Libre Office should be equally good for that, and still let us open documents within seconds
Also, this behaviour has been around for years so it is not due to any online-editing-contact-thing. It's just a badly written software, when using Print view (the default view).
Thank you everyone for contributing here, I got a lot of info from your testing here. I'll continue to advocate that the "lightweight" users should get an Air for Office-work and switch to either Draft view (it is super quick, try it if you have Word) or use another editor such as Pages or Libre. Also, I'll maybe think about sending in a contribution to change from Wordit is probably a non-winnable-battle, but maybe one can stir the pot a bit.
Yes, TeX is wonderful and is employed for typesetting many scientific journals and technical monographs. I believe it is still the best at typesetting math. I started using Knuth's TeX before Lamport's LaTeX even existed, thus I wrote my own macro package for TeX before Lamport wrote his LaTeX macros, and I still use mine. In the 1990s I tried Word for mathematics because of the whole "standards" thing, but it was so bad, so difficult to write math, so slow, and ultimately crashed when the math became too much for it that I was more than happy to give up on Word and return to TeX.
And yes, I knew that OpenOffice didn't quite exactly translate/convert to Word documents...there would be minor problems, even after all of the Word fonts were loaded into OpenOffice, in this conversion. One could go back and correct these minor differences if one wished, but this didn't alleviate the fact that OpenOffice and Word did differ slightly. While OpenOffice still exists (last time I checked), I believe LibreOffice is now more frequently maintained and is more robust. It is the one to try on Word documents, in other words. I don't really do Word much at all, so I don't have much experience with Libreoffice, but Libreoffice does attempt to provide all of the features of Word. You might consider trying Libreoffice instead of OpenOffice.
As far as tracking changes (I'm not familiar with how Word or Libreoffice do this), I use software versioning programs to accomplish this. In particular, I use "git" and "subversion". Yes, these programs are designed to track computer code and modifications to that code, but "writings/manuals/monographs" are just another type of "code" and so git or subversion work extremely well in tracking all modifications, and their authors, to writing documents too. For instance, git follows a distributed database motif, meaning that the same database is on multiple machines (making for secure backups resistant to catastrophes, in other words) and thus is very efficient at distributing the modifications from a team of authors to all the others, and allows comments and remarks by the other authors to be heard before the final modification is accepted and incorporated into the final version of the document. [Git and subversion are used for some of the largest software development projects in existence, such as the Linux operating system and the Firefox/Mozilla browser. These databases provide a full history of the project back to the beginning of time, and have even been employed to study the dynamics of how large software projects are developed.]
Regards, and good luck,
P.S. Boomhowler, after you read my earlier post I edited it to add more of a performance summary. I don't know if you have seen my edited summary which includes a percentage performance comparison.
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