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Original poster
Sep 10, 2007
Last night my friend and I drove to the nearest Apple store which was 200 miles away and both got our 27 inch i5's. I am ECSTATIC to say that both of our machines are PERFECT.

Things I have tested:

*Yellow Tinge (the white background test and the grey bars test) - PASSED
*Dead Pixels - PASSED
*iSight Pixels - PASSED
*Sound in upper corner (or anywhere AND when turning brightness down) - PASSED

Both of our machines are PERFECT however I don't know what week they are. I did a quick google and couldn't find it.

I wanted to bring some positive into this forum and give others who may be first time mac buyers such as myself hope. I feel like only the people who have problems are the ones who post and people don't come on here talking about how perfect their machine is. Hopefully this thread will fill up with positives. Thanks! Will post pics momentarily.


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Good Job!

To find what week your iMac's are take a look at your serial number. For example: W8940xxxxxx was built in 2009, week 40.
BTW on the bottom right of one of the pics I thought from the pic it looks like it has it slightly, It was just the angle because I quickly set my background back to white and checked VERY thoroughly.
Did you check the serial number yet to determine when were your machines built?

Ah, another quick google and I've found it. Week 5. I am actually glad it's a week 5 to prove that not all are like this. The way I see it is that the problem can only get better from here.



I see it this way, that if you get a damaged one you get 15% of your money back. No problem.

I'd rather them keep the 15% and me not have to go through any extra work to get a good one right off.
Some machines are fine, some have problems, some develop problems with use days / weeks later. The problems seem to be showing up more in the i7 iMacs, but that could simply because more people are buying those or it could point to something wrong in the build-to-order process.
You know, when I had my initial problems with my 21.5" I made sure they opened the new one in store before I took it away, so I could check.

But the more I look at this screen, and the more I read, the more I think I might have the yellow issue. I've not attepted to edit any pictures yet, so not looked in too much detail, what do you guys think? My screen is alright yeah? I'm not going crazy?

Congratulations on your perfect iMac :)
I went through 2 yellow tinge ones, then got a refund and I think I won't be buying a new one when they are all fixed. For my use (graphic design, photography, video) I just didn't think they are appropriate. Main reason being the glossy glass screen and also it seemed that even the i5 model was 'too powerful' for that kind of design, always making it run extremely hot and noisy (from the fans). I think I wiill go for an Arrandale MBP with a matte screen + 30" ACD or a 6core/12core Mac Pro + 30" ACD when they come out
Congrats on getting a good one. Could we have a view straight from the front? Also, there is one thing you forgot to check: the backlight bleeding. If you could please dim the lights in your room / turn them off, turn up the brightness and have a completely black screen so we can see how good or bad the backlight bleeding (if any) is? Thanks!

You know, when I had my initial problems with my 21.5" I made sure they opened the new one in store before I took it away, so I could check.

But the more I look at this screen, and the more I read, the more I think I might have the yellow issue. I've not attepted to edit any pictures yet, so not looked in too much detail, what do you guys think? My screen is alright yeah? I'm not going crazy?

Your machine is good! Now, get outta this section before you return it. :p
I got my week 6 iMac on Monday and it is spot on. It's my third machine (1st was yellow, 2nd was noisy). Really pleased I didn't settle for one of the earlier ones. Also managed to get a £100 back from Apple as an apology for all the hassle I've been through.
OP, can you please take a further look at the center of the screen and see if there is a veritical yellow stripe there? It seems to me there is (though not too obvious at first sight), from your photos. It isn't something the yellow test here was designed to test I think.

But then again, photos are hard to judge by. So let me know if there's such a thing.

I am talking about this part:

I too just picked up my 27in i5 at the Mall of America Apple store today. I only got about an hour to play with before coming to work. I will try more things later but from looking at it for the hour and adjusting the brightness I did not have any issues. I believe I saw my mine was a week 6.

BTW carrying a 40+ pound iMac through Mall of America sucks. If you never been there anywhere you go in that mall is a long walk to the parking areas.
I think that is being too critical. If a picture from the front shows what is supposedly yellow, then it is yellow. Otherwise, from that photo it seems ok.

The bigger issue here is whether the screen has backlight bleeding or not. A SLIGHT yellow one can live with, nobody here uses a plain white background. But if the backlight is defective and letting light in, it'll be a nightmare using a dark / black background.
I too just picked up my 27in i5 at the Mall of America Apple store today. I only got about an hour to play with before coming to work. I will try more things later but from looking at it for the hour and adjusting the brightness I did not have any issues. I believe I saw my mine was a week 6.

BTW carrying a 40+ pound iMac through Mall of America sucks. If you never been there anywhere you go in that mall is a long walk to the parking areas.

All of the Apple stores I live nearby wheel the big boxed Mac purchases to your car. It's odd that they would have you carry something that heavy out of the store without offering help.
All of the Apple stores I live nearby wheel the big boxed Mac purchases to your car. It's odd that they would have you carry something that heavy out of the store without offering help.

They didn't offer me any help either. I do find that it is easier to carry the box with two hands rather than by the handle.
All of the Apple stores I live nearby wheel the big boxed Mac purchases to your car. It's odd that they would have you carry something that heavy out of the store without offering help.

Kinda thought so too, he didn't offer. Oh well it is over now lol. Never hurts to get the workout. I am not fully sure they do as the Mall of America is massive and seems like they would be away from the store for a decent amount of time depending on where you parked.
ALso worth noting that is was clear that my iMac had been opened and tested before delivery. Wraps, covers and boxes were scuffed and messy. Not bothered by that - guaranteed me a good iMac. Apple rep confirmed that it had been opened and tested. Don't know if they're doing this for all of them.
Congrats my friend who has been waiting for too long can finally buy one...i heard that the situation is improving...great!
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