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@ OP

I know exactly what you mean. The longer you spend on marathon sessions the quicker you exhaust all the stuff you love to check out and wait anxiously for your regular blogs or forums or news sites to update with something new, & because you've caught up to the very latest tidbits of daily going-ons as soon as something new is posted, its read right away, its posted the same over several sites and your reading the same infromation over and over again, and then you await your next fix. Its a bit like drugs I guess, the more you take the more of a fix you need for it to make a difference, and go long enough from being disconected from your regular sources you could end up not needing to go back. ........................deep man....deep.

On a lighter note, sure theres plenty of stuff out there and its just a case of finding somthing that interests you that you didnt know about. I do like hearing about how people use their time on the interenet, the regular things they do and check and entertain themselves with, in the hope that Ill discover things which I too might enjoy.
Learn a second language (on the internet - plenty of free sites) then suddenly (well, with a bit of work...) there are thousands more forums and web pages you can read and contribute to, and thousands more random people you can communicate with.
hahaha its funny cos i actually understand what you mean... the websites need a little more shazaaam lol
i used to waste time on video games and internet. My solution was to play sport and raise some chickens.

It sounds weird but raising a group of chicken is fun. I watch and feed them everyday. They are dirty btw.... And of course, sport helps a lot. jogging in a park and watch ppl :)
@ OP

I know exactly what you mean. The longer you spend on marathon sessions the quicker you exhaust all the stuff you love to check out and wait anxiously for your regular blogs or forums or news sites to update with something new, & because you've caught up to the very latest tidbits of daily going-ons as soon as something new is posted, its read right away, its posted the same over several sites and your reading the same infromation over and over again, and then you await your next fix. Its a bit like drugs I guess, the more you take the more of a fix you need for it to make a difference, and go long enough from being disconected from your regular sources you could end up not needing to go back. ........................deep man....deep.

On a lighter note, sure theres plenty of stuff out there and its just a case of finding somthing that interests you that you didnt know about. I do like hearing about how people use their time on the interenet, the regular things they do and check and entertain themselves with, in the hope that Ill discover things which I too might enjoy.

I couldn't agree more with this.

For the longest time I would be online for hours on end (not saying I don't anymore) and would mindlessly surf the same sites hoping for any small update.

My solution was to jot down all the sites I normally go to and add then to my Google Reader so if any update occurred I'd know about it; also eliminating the need to waste time online.

On my MBP, iPad or iPod I have bookmarked the only sites I use:
1. Google News
2. Google Reader (which has about 30-40 website's XML)
3. Digg
4. Forums (Such as MacRumors and OmniFocus)
5. & Finances (Such as Mint, Chase and Citi)

This has greatly eliminated online distractions and has paved time for more important things...

...Like reading a book in iBooks, or watching a movie, or browsing eBay, or Wikipedia, or playing FlightControl. :p

What is getting boring is this site and the consistency of idiotic threads!

I'm not refering to this one but hundreds of others!

You said it. Upon seeing so many repeat threads in MacRumors i've bookmarked MRoogle and is used daily before posting.
Go to Craigslist, click on Adult Services, get $300 from the ATM, life suddenly gets very exciting again.


My favorite part of this is how you signed it "BJ", which I found incredibly funny, given the content of your post :D
I used my iPad to get two ransom girls phone numbers in the street.

Mind you I do that even if I don't have my iPad with me. Still life is never boring if you try new stuff out all the time.

I can safely say that chatting up girls on the street is very fun and exciting ;)
After getting the iPad surfing the net has never been so personal. I am more connected than ever. Because of this I have hit the "end of the Internet" a few time in a way. Data is not refreshed, content getting stale, no where to go. I need more variety in my browsing now that I have the iPad. I am getting burned out on my regular content. Anyone else experiencing the same thing?

Tell me about it! Your words describe my syndrome that I have been suffering of late but didn't quite know what.

Come on people get busy and create more content. Otherwise, my EOTIS (End Of The Internet Syndrome) is bound to worse! :(
The Internet is boring!

Really... really?

I'm thinking maybe your life is boring. Doing anything constantly will be boring. I like pizza but if I had it every day I'd soon hate it. Maybe take up skydiving. That'll get you to p your pants. Or maybe just find another hobby to take up more if your apparently limitless free time.
Pizza is a bad example, I could never hate pizza, I could only grow very fat. So, in a way pizza is sort of like sitting on your butt surfing the web. I think the OP was commenting more about reading the same stories. Sounds like a personal problem. Lack of curiosity. Lack of desire to find new and different things. Wikipedia has an article of the day, go read that instead. And start following ideas from there that look interesting. That's one possibility to do.
I am laughing at how many "serious" answers there are to this thread which is obviously parody/satire on some of the MR threads where people state they are bored with their devices or the OS.
Look at yourself. Are you boring? Do you just exist so that some one can entertain you? Get off your ass and do something that has some meaning. Volunteer to help out on a project, or probably at your age, go outside and play with the other kids. Go to iTunes U and download college lectures on Quantum mechanics and see how the Universe works! The Internet is exceeding vast with surprises everywhere if you just look.:rolleyes:
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