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macrumors newbie
Mar 9, 2016
I have been doing some searching (well, digging, more like) in Apple's app store recently and came across a couple of free adblockers that I don't think have been mentioned in this thread yet.

I think they might be worth a look, seeing as they seem to have a decent selection of features:

- Adblock Pro (made by estivo GmbH) -
- Eluo Content Blocker (made by Aniko Molnos) -
- iBlockify (made by iSmart Tools) -
- Oasis Content Blocker (made by Squarevibe Inc.) -
- Roadblock - Content Blocker (made by Obied Corner) -
- WebWipes (made by Apptivity Lab) -

I personally think that Adblock Pro, Eluo en iBlockify seem like they are the most promising out of these, even though the first two (Adblock Pro and Eluo) have the possibility of upgrading to a paid version (as an in-app purchase).

On a related note, I noticed that there is not only a free version of Umbra, but also a more advanced version called Umbra Pro (which is of course paid):
- Umbra:
- Umbra Pro:

Does anyone happen to know what the difference in features is between these two? The descriptions (and pictures) for Umbra and Umbra Pro in the app store appear to be identical. I'm afraid their developer's official website isn't much help in this regard either. :/


macrumors newbie
Mar 31, 2014
I just wanted to share that ad blockers are under heavy fire in Germany by one of their biggest media companies. I am the developer of AdMop and we got sued a few weeks ago. If there are any ad block developers reading this thread (specially from Europe) they should start taking some legal precautions.

Here is a link to the article on one of the most prestigious european newspapers (translated from german)
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macrumors 68020
Feb 6, 2014
I just wanted to share that ad blockers are under heavy fire in Germany by one of their biggest media companies. I am the developer of AdMop and we got sued a few weeks ago. If there are any ad block developers reading this thread (specially from Europe) they should start taking some legal precautions.

Here is a link to the article on one of the most prestigious european newspapers (translated from german)
As far as I'm concerned, advertising companies can go sit on a short stick. Advertising has become more of a burden to end users than a useful service. Wasting precious bandwidth (I have to pay for that), causing browsers to slow to a crawl, distracting users when they're trying to read information.. and for what? To show us something that we are more than likely not interested in?

Dear advertisers:
You had your chance, you went too far. I have no sympathy for you. If I had my way, you would be legally obligated to pay users to see your ads.


macrumors 65816
Dec 8, 2011
Is it specific to Germany? Does it also affect ad blockers in the US and other appstores?
Why do publishers sue the developers? it's the user who is installing it and they are also paying for the phone and data, so they should get to choose how to use it and whether or not allowing freeloaders like ads.

I just wanted to share that ad blockers are under heavy fire in Germany by one of their biggest media companies. I am the developer of AdMop and we got sued a few weeks ago. If there are any ad block developers reading this thread (specially from Europe) they should start taking some legal precautions.

Here is a link to the article on one of the most prestigious european newspapers (translated from german)


Jul 18, 2011
Is it specific to Germany? Does it also affect ad blockers in the US and other appstores?
Why do publishers sue the developers? it's the user who is installing it and they are also paying for the phone and data, so they should get to choose how to use it and whether or not allowing freeloaders like ads.
Probably because developers are really the only people they can sue. And makes more financial sense than suing your use base. You know - the people who actually use your services and pay your bills?


Mar 26, 2008
Is it specific to Germany? Does it also affect ad blockers in the US and other appstores?
Why do publishers sue the developers? it's the user who is installing it and they are also paying for the phone and data, so they should get to choose how to use it and whether or not allowing freeloaders like ads.

as far as i know some adblocker devs white list certain sites in their default settings if said company pays the dev to put their company on the white list.


macrumors member
Dec 5, 2007
I'm using the Adguard content blocker on my iPad and iPhone and when going to the Daily Mail website, I get to see a huge banner at the top of the page. These are the filters that are active:
* English filter
* Spyware filter
* Social media filter
* Dutch filter
* Filter for mobile ads
* Safari filter
* Adblock Warning Removal List
* Malware Domains
* Prebake
* Spam 404
* Anti-Adblock Killer Reek

On another site, the videos won't load. Also both on the iPad and iPhone: here.

On my Mac with the same filters enabled (Adguard extension), I don't get to see the banner and the videos are playing perfectly.

What can be the cause?


macrumors 603
May 31, 2015
I just wanted to share that ad blockers are under heavy fire in Germany by one of their biggest media companies. I am the developer of AdMop and we got sued a few weeks ago. If there are any ad block developers reading this thread (specially from Europe) they should start taking some legal precautions.

Here is a link to the article on one of the most prestigious european newspapers (translated from german)

That is ridiculous. I always block ads.
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macrumors 603
Aug 29, 2006
Are there any good JavaScript content blockers, or a top ten list of current content blockers?
Have 2 but curious to see rundown as to what's he best, plus look to whitelist my commonly used sites and block is for the rest


macrumors G3
May 17, 2008
Any updates on the adblock apps? Anything better or new?
I wish it would work in the search apps like Bing, DDG, and Google

Any one can compare Focus vs 1Block?
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macrumors regular
Nov 11, 2015
Purify seems dead

really? why do you think so?


macrumors 68040
Nov 30, 2012
I've been using purify on both my iPhones and iPad for a while now it's been working for me. So what am I missing?
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