I agree that an iPad mini is too small to be used as a portable computer, like a MacBook. That’s why I have the 12.9 inch iPad Pro (which serves as my travel computer). The onscreen keyboard is big enough to comfortably type on, while the iPad is significantly lighter than a 12 inch MacBook (in addition to being far more powerful CPU-wise).Honestly, while I like the mini for what it is, it's just not a small computer like a 12" Macbook.
And I literally use my mini for NOTHING but browsing and occasionally watching Netflix.
And I decided I'd still personally rather have a tiny ultraportable, full computer, like a 12" Macbook. No interest in an iPad with a keyboard attached to it.
I get tired of propping the iPad up, and it sucks to type on.
BTW, I also have a 16 inch MacBook Pro, but that’s for big jobs like website design, video editing and creating tracks in Logic Pro.