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Remember - most people don't own iPhones, but it successful. Most people don't own Honda Accords or Ford F-150's but they are hugely successful. It doesn't have to be perfect to be successful.If you don't like it - don't buy it. See how that works?
A lot of people (millions) will pay $500 to have a big iPod that they can watch videos, flip through photos, or surf the net while they sit on the couch.

Just because it's not the ultimate portable computer does not mean it will fail in the market.

Just my opinion - Greg

Well, surf part of the Internet. No Flash, remember. Even the webpage Steve Jobs opened during his demonstration had Flash that his iPad couldn't play.

This device has a lot of potential, but unless enough people say what's wrong with it and why they're not buying it, this device is not going to get better. It's still up to Steve and he usually listens only to himself and the numbers. But I want a fully functional device made by Apple. The iPad is not that device. HP's Slate may get it right. That will be sad.
...Sadly, the iSad has no word processor built in...

This statement is most interesting, and I've heard a few other people mention it. No computer (normally) comes with word processing beyond sticky notes, text edit, or note pad. It's amazing how many people think Windows computers come with a minimum of MS Word.
im still mildly confused.. after reading through 3 pages of rambling and complaints about a device that hasnt officially been released yet.. announced sure, released nope..

Other threads are saying that other tablet manufacturers are having to readjust cos of the low price that the tablet is going to be released at.

So just to check, why is it going? other than why YOU think its going to fail?
Because it cant play WOW? or cant do photoshop? or doesnt have firewire? Or make a cup of tea, and cook your toast every morning? Im confused as to why you feel like this was a let down, just because it doesnt do the things you want it to?

As people have said, dont like it? dont buy it? its the consumer moto for apple products it would seem, some are indeed hit and miss (see subject matter- tablet, ipod touch, Apple TV) but that doesnt mean people wont love them, and go buy them en bulk.

My two pieces..

It'll dawn on all of you the second you can't do more than one thing at a time, or when and if they enable such a fundamental feature, the battery life drops to 45 mins.

If you're going to buy one, great; you'll be funding the next generation device that "I" want to buy. Join the said club of AirBook owners who are still undergoing treatment for "why the hell did I buy this thing" syndrome.

I should note, I own nearly one of every product Apple produces, and has ever produced, save the 90s when Apple had 42 models in play at one time. Mac Pro, MacBook, MacBook Pro, iPhone, countless iPods, AirBook, AppleTV, and several models of each. Money is not an issue for me, but crap design IS.

I will NOT be buying an imSad. Yes, I just renamed it yet AGAIN!
OP - People said this about the iPod and iPhone also.

I think you're going to be embarrassed over this thread.
FYI the Apple parking lot is packed with employee cars asked to work the weekend shift to help curb the negative feedback of the ipad announcement in "all public forums."

Let me be he first to welcome them.

FYI the Apple parking lot is packed with employee cars asked to work the weekend shift to help curb the negative feedback of the ipad announcement in "all public forums."

Maaaaan, you'd think Apple would encourage home working for something like this.
FYI the Apple parking lot is packed with employee cars asked to work the weekend shift to help curb the negative feedback of the ipad announcement in "all public forums."

Let me be he first to welcome them.


FYI.... proof or it's not true.

It's easy to type any sort of dribble here and say it's fact, isn't it?
Its nice to know that you have an opinion, but who are you to guarantee us that the iPad will fail. If you have statistics of such things then let us see them, but otherwise it's just whining... go tell your mom that Apple made you sad. Waaaaa
Will the Saints beat the Colts? The oracles that populate the forum must have the answer to the outcome of an unplayed game!

I've heard some predict that they know the score, even before game day . . . 0 - 0
I should note, I own nearly one of every product Apple produces, and has ever produced, save the 90s when Apple had 42 models in play at one time. Mac Pro, MacBook, MacBook Pro, iPhone, countless iPods, AirBook, AppleTV, and several models of each. Money is not an issue for me, but crap design IS.

I will NOT be buying an imSad. Yes, I just renamed it yet AGAIN!

Nearly one of every product? So less than one of every product? :p

Seriously though, I think you are perhaps you are confusing what you want with what a large part of the target market will be very happy with. I felt similarly at first but now think that this has a chance of being a success, whatever that might mean.
FYI the Apple parking lot is packed with employee cars asked to work the weekend shift to help curb the negative feedback of the ipad announcement in "all public forums."

Let me be he first to welcome them.


Steve Ballmer's black sheep nephew is that you?

I would like to know what experience the OP has in marketing, retail sales, product development and the rest.
It'll dawn on all of you the second you can't do more than one thing at a time,

I can't do more than one thing at a time, I'm a bloke!

or when and if they enable such a fundamental feature, the battery life drops to 45 mins.

So you had some one on one time with an iPad to get some real world benchmarks together. Post your results because you obviously know what your talking about!
Remember - most people don't own iPhones, but it successful. Most people don't own Honda Accords or Ford F-150's but they are hugely successful. It doesn't have to be perfect to be successful.If you don't like it - don't buy it. See how that works?

+1 Millions buy netbooks. I choose not. I get it. ;)

It'll dawn on all of you the second you can't do more than one thing at a time, or when and if they enable such a fundamental feature, the battery life drops to 45 mins.

If you're going to buy one, great; you'll be funding the next generation device that "I" want to buy. Join the said club of AirBook owners who are still undergoing treatment for "why the hell did I buy this thing" syndrome.

I should note, I own nearly one of every product Apple produces, and has ever produced, save the 90s when Apple had 42 models in play at one time. Mac Pro, MacBook, MacBook Pro, iPhone, countless iPods, AirBook, AppleTV, and several models of each. Money is not an issue for me, but crap design IS.

I will NOT be buying an imSad. Yes, I just renamed it yet AGAIN!

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah...... I think people here know that your not going to buy it. Just like I'm not going to by a BMW this year..... Really.... Who cares.
It'll dawn on all of you the second you can't do more than one thing at a time
This is the only major feature I believe iPad is missing. But I seriously doubt multi-tasking wont be enabled in OS 4.0. So not a big deal IMO.

or when and if they enable such a fundamental feature, the battery life drops to 45 mins.
That just proves how good you are at predicting stuff which isnt here yet (which makes this thread even more pointless than it was to begin with). 10 hours regular battery life and just 1 hour with multitasking? My jailbroken iPod with backgrounder and pro switcher works great. Dont think it`s battery life dropped more than 10-15%.

I will NOT be buying an imSad.

Dont worry, millions are going to get the imSad this year alone. You too will get it someday. Maybe not this year but I doubt you`ll be able resist one for more than a couple of year considering you buy a lot of apple gear. Have fun with your Airbook for the time being.

iPad is not a fail. It might take a couple of revisions before it appeals to the majority but this thing is going to OWN. I`m getting one for sure. Dont think I can find a better solution for 500-600 bucks. This is something I can hand out to anyone who dont even know the abc of internet or computing and still they`ll be using it like a pro in no time. It`s not a replacement for my iPhone or the MacBook. It fills up a major gap between the two I didnt even know existed. Apple`s getting my money as soon as it launches in my country. And I`m gonna upgrade next year as soon as the new model arrives next year too ;)
A lot of people (millions) will pay $500 to have a big iPod that they can watch videos, flip through photos, or surf the net while they sit on the couch.

Just because it's not the ultimate portable computer does not mean it will fail in the market.

Just my opinion - Greg

That's the part people seem to forget-it's $500. I paid $400 for the 1st gen iPod touch. This is superior in every way, only $100 more, and replaces my ($350) netbook as opposed to a ($200) iPod. Sure, it's not a touchscreen MacBook Air, but it's also not $2000.
Every product in the tablet or ebook categories look to fail except for the Lenova hybrid ideapad. But the Ipad is Way better! Newer flash will be out soon and that is the one apple wants. Plus the iPhone 4.0 os will have the multi- task. Ipad will be a Hugh success!

You write so well and say exactly what I thought watching the keynote.

It was such a flat event. The disbelief was palpable. The audience was silent.

Jobs new it too. You could just tell he was dying on stage. It was like watching a once great comedian who is not funny any more. Rather than laughter he is met with throat clearing and polite applause.

Yes. The ipad WILL and HAS already failed.

This much bad publicity can't fail to hurt it, if not kill it.

It will not be 'cool' or trendy to own one. Nobody will want to be seen with one. It is a joke now. I just can not believe it. A week ago I was so excited.

I predict empty stores on launch day and the news will be how the once mighty apple has been humbled.

Mark our words.
How dare we pretend to be psychics and predict that the iPad will fail. We still don't know how it will do.

I remember lots of critics saying that 'Avatar' is not worth the hype when they saw a preview showing weeks before the actual release. Heck, even me weren't impressed of the computer graphics I was seeing on the net. And then, after billions upon billions of dollars later, we all know how the story will go.

The iPad will be criticized but it will sell well, believe me. And once millions of people get their hands on it, word of mouth spreads, then Apple adds more features and apps, and you will know how this other story will end.

After seeing Steven (or Stephen...sorry, I don't really watch the guy) flashed his iPad in the Grammys tonight, I shivered! That thing is elegant and for the first time, I felt I was in a parallel Star Trek universe. I can't wait to hold one and take one home in 90 days!!!

Will I line up for it on launch day? I think I will. :)
It'll dawn on all of you the second you can't do more than one thing at a time, or when and if they enable such a fundamental feature, the battery life drops to 45 mins.

Exactly what people said about the iPhone. :rolleyes:
"The aeroplane will never fly." -- Lord Haldane, Minister of War, Britain, 1907

I'm bookmarking this link and coming back 1 year from now. Just to laugh at the negative comments. :D
Funny how similar this thread is to the iPod thread from 2001.

Even funnier is that people actually thought that Apple would release a $500 device that satisfies their every computing desire. The iPad has a limited feature set, sure. But it's really good at those core things, and it's super portable. As a student, I'm purchasing one to take notes on in class, keep track of my calendar, store my textbooks, and browse the web on the go. My wife will also be using it a lot when I'm not in class for email and internet usage in general to replace her broken Dell. I think it will be great to just leave on the coffee table during the day as a picture frame. Anyone, including friends, can just grab it and check whatever they need to check online. I think that's slick.

In addition nobody here is even considering the fact that this runs a variant of iPhone OS, which is version 3.2. This is not 4.0. Nobody here is fully expecting updates to the OS over the coming months and years to add huge amounts of functionality? Look at how the iPhone OS has improved since 2007. Things will advance even faster now with Google breathing down their neck. Steve mentioned that to his employees the other day. Think of all the cool things that developers are going to make for this. John Nack of Photoshop fame was asking on his blog the other day what people want Adobe to develop for the iPad. Among many of the suggestions was a version of Lightroom, which I believe would be great on such a high quality display, as long as the color is properly calibrated. So there will be amazing software on this device in time. Until then everyone take a pill and be patient. There are so many impatient people on this site! Calm down, everything is fine. This device suits some people's needs now, will probably add features in software and hardware revisions, and eventually--like it or not--this is the future of computing. Eventually this thing will be able to satisfy the power users. Perhaps an iPad Pro? But until then, like I said, calm down and be patient. Why hate on someone because they find the iPad useful for their life? It is just a tool. If you think it is such a terrible tool, then don't buy it, and if you're right, you will have a leg up on everyone else and get more things done or whatever you are hoping to accomplish. But ranting about it on here makes you sound like a cry baby who, in reality, had unrealistic expectations and believes that Apple should cater to their every whim.

As for me, I'm buying it and if I don't like it after a couple weeks I will take it back to the store. It's not the end of the world. Not a big deal as Steve would say.

P.S. Concerning Flash: Flash has been slowly dying off. Apple and Google are just helping it along. Adobe has never optimized Flash to the same level on the Mac as they have for the PC. Playing a video pretty much maxes out the CPU on my MBP. It also crashes my web browser several times a week. You see, Flash is not based on any web standard. HTML 5 is. Internet Explorer is in the same camp as Flash when it comes to being standards in-compliant. Do you know what a pain in the rear it is to develop for all the flavors of IE and then one version for pretty much all the other browsers? I can make one version that has 99% of it's parts working fine on FireFox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera, and one version for IE6, one version for IE7, and one version for IE8. Web standards are good, and people will be blown away with what HTML 5 can do. CSS 3.0 3d transforms are amazing. Before long Flash will be deprecated and go the way of the Real Player. I'm tired of loading a Flash website and having my MBP burn a hole through my pants!! I can't emphasize the downsides to Flash enough.
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