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macrumors regular
Jan 9, 2002
Still lacking stuff

That concept is very cool.

But it is still lacking two basic funcionalities that is keeping me from buying a PDA.

I want an "all-in-one" device, like the Hip-Top, but more like the new Clie.

The new Clie is lacking Pager and Cell Phone functionality.

I don't want to carry around a Cell Phone, Pager, and a PDA -- but I pretty much need all three.

I am frustrated with the current stock of PDAs because they are all close, but not quite there... ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!

C'mon Apple, do it!

iKnow you can, Steve... It's an "all-in-one", which you believe so Passionately about!

iWant one!:p


Jun 4, 2000
Alexandria, VA
Re: Still lacking stuff

Originally posted by Quark
That concept is very cool.

But it is still lacking two basic funcionalities that is keeping me from buying a PDA.

I want an "all-in-one" device, like the Hip-Top, but more like the new Clie.

The new Clie is lacking Pager and Cell Phone functionality.

I don't want to carry around a Cell Phone, Pager, and a PDA -- but I pretty much need all three.

I am frustrated with the current stock of PDAs because they are all close, but not quite there... ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!

C'mon Apple, do it!

iKnow you can, Steve... It's an "all-in-one", which you believe so Passionately about!

iWant one!:p

I'd buy one if it came out in the states, I believe. Recently picked up a Sony Clie S360. Solid.



macrumors 6502
Jan 14, 2002
Los Angeles and NorCal

isn't the iWalk a robot made in japan by Sony or something? It's suppose to mimic the movements of humans or very close to it. I saw it on TV somewhere a few months back i believe...


macrumors newbie
Feb 19, 2002
It does look cool. I'm assuming you can play video as well. Wouldn't really work for Macs though correct? Aren't the current Clie's PC friendly only?


Jan 2, 2002
Great form factor...

I think this form factor is just about perfect...excepting this:

16 MB OF MEMORY?!?!?

When are handheld makers going to realize that we need huge jumps in the memory department? Why even include the ability to play back MP3s if all you are going to give the end user is 16 mb of memory?

Oh...and the Palm OS sucks.

Apple? Please do it right, and please do it soon.
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