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Re: Yeah

Originally posted by Gus
I'm resigned to the fact that I have been an idiot abouot this for a while, but I now see the error of my ways. Problem is, is that I ordered Jaguar in July, loooong before this "family" thing, and if I can't just upgrade to the family pack , then I am going to have to shell out more money for the other computers. Once again, not Apple's fault, except for the timing of the announcement.
Three quick points, Gus:
1) If you bought XP for your three machines, you'd have had to buy three full-priced licenses for them even to work. As a matter of fact, one copy of Office v.X won't run on several Macs on a network--you have to purchase multiple licenses and Product IDs.

2) When you put gas in your cars, change their oil, or get better tires, you have to pay for each car separately. While software "feels" different (because breaking the law has been the norm), the principal is the same.

3) You can probably cancel your existing order, get the Home License, and still have your order by the same date. I wouldn't bet the ranch on it, but the shipping date is still a week off (even if some might/might not be getting it early--mine still hasn't shipped).

Anyway, it sounds like Apple will allow people to make their choice about whether or not to break the law, so you only have your conscience to answer to. I know what I would have done when I was in grad school. ;)

Here's a question

I've already purchased 10.1 separately for all my machines, I'm now about to pay full price for a family copy of 10.2, will I then have to pay full price for a family copy of 10.3? and so on
Originally posted by kreesurgeon
Here's a question

I've already purchased 10.1 separately for all my machines, I'm now about to pay full price for a family copy of 10.2, will I then have to pay full price for a family copy of 10.3? and so on

If Apple decides to charge for it, yes. It all depends on how big the upgrade is. (Actaully, on how Apple is feeling when they release 10.3...)


At some point, maybe in this lifetime, the OS will be bug-free and stable enough not to NEED upgrading any further for a while. There are those who think that point was reached with 7.5, 8.1 or 8.6. We are so used to the cycle of release-with-bugs, bug-fix-with-bugs, etc, that we seem to have forgotten the point of it all. Maybe 10.3 will be the definitive resting-point, when we can all sit back and think "OK, that'll do"? Obviously at the moment it's a work in progress. But what will Apple do with all those busloads of programmers who have been beavering away at X so far? I suppose they could direct their efforts to AppleWorks and other apps, but it's hard to see where their wages will come from if all their work is bundled free.
Re: Yeah

Originally posted by hesdeadjim
Honestly, this makes me feel a lot better about the update price not being there. I only use one computer, but I have a lot of friends who use macs. We could all combine our money and buy a "family" liscense and share. They don't have to konw. And if there are any lisences left, we could give it to other friends. I must admit, I don't have a lot of "legal" software mostly because of the pure cost of it. But this is great news, and hopefully it is successful so that other software companies follow suit. It would also be great for small businesses. I think this is probably the best thing that Apple's done in a while.

This is just as illegal as buying one copy and using it on multiple machines.

Apple explicitly states that the 5-user licence applies only in one household.

If you are going to do this, why bother paying the extra $$$?

I personally will not be buying two copies for my two Macs, but if your're going to pirate, just get it over with.

Are you saying that if the children move out they have to leave their licences at home and buy new single-user ones. Come on, how silly is that?
Re: So?

Originally posted by skunk
Are you saying that if the children move out they have to leave their licences at home and buy new single-user ones. Come on, how silly is that?

This is doubtful. So long as they lived in the household at the time the licence was purchased, the licence will (most likely) go with them.

But you cannot get together a bunch of friends and say, "Hey, we all want Jaguar. Lets buy a "family" pack and save money that way".

What I was saying is that if you want to be COMPLETELY legal about it, if the people dont live in the same household, then they each need their own licence. If you arent prepared to do this, then you might as well save $70 and buy the single-user licence and just burn 4 other copies. In the eyes of the law, its the same thing.

Now, as I said, I wont be doing this for my two macs;)
its not right to steal anything with an apple logo on it, you really should save for it. however, if your looking for office, etc. thats a different story;)
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