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GreasyWeasel said:
I've been hanging around for a while but these pictures made me want to sign up and show you my first HDR effort.
I don't have an SLR so I decided to have a go with my Sony P120. Three pictures taken at EV-2, EV 0 and EV+2.

That looks like it was filtered with Lucisart.
iChrisLH said:
Consisted of 12 exposures I believe
That's really nice. Having just taken delivery today of a D50 - I've lurked here just long enough to gather that it's a good choice - I'm keen to try my hand, too, when I have a minute.
Guys - these images are stunning!

I've never heard of HDR (in this context) and it's awesome. Anybody care to do one with a computer monitor? That could be pretty cool.

And spicyapple, could you possibly link a full size version of the cigars one? I would love to use that as a desktop image if you don't mind.
GreasyWeasel said:
I've been hanging around for a while but these pictures made me want to sign up and show you my first HDR effort.
I don't have an SLR so I decided to have a go with my Sony P120. Three pictures taken at EV-2, EV 0 and EV+2.

I haven't been able to get a good realistic look yet but I rather liked this effect I got with my first one.
Love your first pic spicyapple, the blue sky and bright lights look great.

Excellent picture my friend, and is the chap reading the Mirror/Daily Sport?
sunfast said:
And spicyapple, could you possibly link a full size version of the cigars one? I would love to use that as a desktop image if you don't mind.

Right this is my attempt however i am not sure if i have the idea of this correct yet...

If anyone would like to give me any pointers i would be grateful.

And yes there were people walking around while i was taking the picture so you can see there arm.

resurrecting this thread. Each of these was shot with a Nikon D3100 in bulb mode with a wired remote. Not sure of the exact number of shots that made up each HDR composition.

Let's keep this thread alive! Post up some HDR.



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