As has been mentioned before, items 1 and 2 have nothing at all to do with anything "juvenile" or anything related to that. Items 5 and 10 are basically non-issues as item 5 actually makes it easier to copy something compared to what it was like before, and item 10 can be changed the first time and remains that way from that point. Items 6, 7, 8, and 9 are there, but only if someone actually decides to use them, meaning that if someone doesn't actually decide to use them then they aren't a factor as they aren't used and therefore aren't involved.
Now, all of that can be ignored of course and points could be stuck to simply on principle. But that doesn't change the reality of all those things.
Items 1 [Thick Bar at Top Of Screen] and 2 [Missing Progress Bar] exist as a direct result of Apple's insistence on the new UI which compromised pre-existing real estate to allow easier accessibility to said immature features.
So, yes, 1 and 2 are on-point.
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