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Mr. Anderson said:
That website is a vortex of time wasting.....

I did a very scary thing by selecting women over 40 (my category since I'm 41) and I forced me to stop..... :eek:


Y'know, mainly these women need to take better pictures of themselves. I can't get past the photo quality most of the time. Many of these women are probably very nice people, but if all I've got is a grainy photo from an angle that highlights your double chin .... eeecchh!

(not that I'm interested in any woman other than my lovely wife!)
wordmunger said:
Y'know, mainly these women need to take better pictures of themselves. I can't get past the photo quality most of the time. Many of these women are probably very nice people, but if all I've got is a grainy photo from an angle that highlights your double chin .... eeecchh!

(not that I'm interested in any woman other than my lovely wife!)

I feel the same way - I came across a couple photos that had one half cut out (removing the other people in the pic) or with arrows saying "Me" - that's is pretty bad. Others are cropped and tiny.

I'm going to have to show this site to my wife, she'll love it.

dietcokevanilla said:
This thread is great :D

Umm... girl #1... is she going commando? :eek: definite slut!!

Girl with the fuzzy hat has amazing eyes.... hot in my opinion.

#1 has some nice pink panties on I believe. There is no contest for her slut status, but I think she has panties on....but not for long!! :D

Fuzzy hat has amazing eyes....uh huh, I was looking at those :rolleyes: (I was looking at the hat of course :p )
But she does really, they are quite nice.
I can't believe some of the scores these people are getting... i was giving some of the guys 2/10 and they'd scored 8 or 9 - ?!!!

So then i had a look at the girls.... this photo in particular made me giggle :)
efoto said:
#1 has some nice pink panties on I believe. There is no contest for her slut status, but I think she has panties on....but not for long!! :D
ahh i obviously didn't look closely enough then... but mismatched undies in that case. tut tut. now that's just sloppy. ;)
dietcokevanilla said:
ahh i obviously didn't look closely enough then... but mismatched undies in that case. tut tut. now that's just sloppy. ;)

Or maybe it was on purpose to make people assume that she wasnt.
she's got quite big hands and just look at that jawline... i say it's a bloke!
Mr. Anderson said:
I'm going to have to show this site to my wife, she'll love it.

My wife would most definitely *not* love this site. The amount of hating she'd do to this site is almost unfathomable. It might actually be worth it to show it to her, just to see her reaction...
efoto said:
#1 has some nice pink panties on I believe. There is no contest for her slut status, but I think she has panties on....but not for long!! :D
Wow good call... I had to look really closely to see her pink panties. Good eye. :eek:
Alright, how about these ones? I hear from a reputable source that he's a model...



GFLPraxis said:
Alright, how about these ones? I hear from a reputable source that he's a model...[IMG]
[IMG][IMG][/QUOTE]Bill: No ladies, I'm not pleased to see you, that's just my wallet in my pocket.

Ladies: Good enough! :eek: :p
#1 is definitely hot... her slutiness, personality, etc. are irrelevant.

Furry hat, also hot.

Anorexia-man, also hot... in that if I'm cold, I just huddle myself in one of his folds and I'm good to go. :)
stonyc said:
Anorexia-man, also hot... in that if I'm cold, I just huddle myself in one of his folds and I'm good to go. :)

HA! Thats halarious.

And I agree with you about #1. This is a HOT or NOT thread. Everything else is irrelevant (sluttiness, wearing panties or not, # of STD's, etc.) I mean, come on, #1's pic is from EYECANDYMAG...
Fat people provide shade in the summer.

Oh wait, am I permitted to say that? Its not in my sig anymore.

[/evil Abstract]

And Stonyc is right: personality is irrelevent. Maybe you'd like her even more if she had a nice personality as well, but in Hot or Not, I don't care if you're smart, funny, nice, caring, generous, thoughtful, etc etc. I'm judging based on looks. I already do this everyday when I see random women walking down the street, or at the mall, or at Uni.
dietcokevanilla said:
ahh i obviously didn't look closely enough then... but mismatched undies in that case. tut tut. now that's just sloppy. ;)
The better to match her moral fiber, sloppy :D

dietcokevanilla said:
she's got quite big hands and just look at that jawline... i say it's a bloke!

Damn you, stop ruining this for me....stop it please! :(
I see what you mean by people taking sub-par photos of themselves....I might be convinced that she's good-looking if she'd have remembered to wipe her nose BEFORE the shutter opened.


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