If you don't mind spending a couple of bucks a year you can buy a domain and use Google Apps to use Gmail as your email provider.
Free Google Apps for Your Domain has been discontinued
If you don't mind spending a couple of bucks a year you can buy a domain and use Google Apps to use Gmail as your email provider.
Outlook? Outlook is just another email client. It is not an email provider like gmail or yahoo mail. Anything in Outlook can just as easily be configured to go to gmail.The only way yahoo iCould or outlook can be populated into gmail is to setup forwarding to a gmail account, then setup gmail to send from one of those above accounts.
Free Google Apps for Your Domain has been discontinued
Outlook? Outlook is just another email client. It is not an email provider like gmail or yahoo mail.
That is just another itineration of Hotmail/Microsoft Live. Heck, outlook.com redirects to live.com. Regardless, it is trivial to aggregate with gmail.Microsoft offers yourname@outlook.com email addresses now.
That is what I have been doing for years. Everything is pulled in to gmail. Heck, it is good to do that just for better spam control. But what sucks about using the iOS Mail app is that it doesn't support Gmail's send from feature. This has led me to, when forgetting to switch to the iOS Gmail app or Safari, to reply to work emails with my gmail.com address. Ugh.
Don't know if you tried this already but, you can set up the send from feature going from to m.google.com/sync from the iOS browser and setting up gmail with exchange.
I am only talking about the iOS app and its inability to send from another email account that has been setup in gmail.Don't know if you tried this already but, you can set up the send from feature going from to m.google.com/sync from the iOS browser and setting up gmail with exchange.
The only way yahoo iCould or outlook can be populated into gmail is to setup forwarding to a gmail account, then setup gmail to send from one of those above accounts.
Is there a reason why this will not work for you? It works great for me.
I have that setup right now.. I just find a delay between the message is sent to iCloud and received to gmail. Not only that, gmail seems to mark a lot of my email as spam, so I never see them come in.
Is that delay a big problem?
Regarding spam, I guess you can go into your spam folder and mark them as not spam. Google will then learn over time. I haven't noticed any false positives when I forwarded my email. My email is with shaw.ca.
Don't know what era you are from but the gaudy colors, shading, and icons of the iOS mail app look like something out of the early 1990s. It also is not grouped well, where are my threaded messages? The Android Gmail app is so much more modern looking with properly grouped messages. It is also much easier to use especially with the introduction of swiping to delete or archive a message.
The Android client is even worse than what you describe iOS as. iOS is far superior in terms of usage. It is hard to pick up an Android device and know how to use the email client easily.
Even the GMAIL app is cluttered and busy. Clunky is the best word to describe it.