Is this accurate? I thought you could have any number of binaries, not limited to just 4. When I have time, I might just try to lipo together some ppc, ppc7400, ppc7450, ppc750, x86_32, and x86_64 code together just to see if it could work with all 6.
I think if I were a developer I'd try to make my osx app in multiple binaries optimized for many architectures, so a single app could run on anything from 10.0 to 10.15:
ppc - 10.0-10.5
ppc7400 - 10.4-10.5
ppc7450 - 10.4-10.5
ppc750 - 10.5
x86_32 - 10.6-10.14
x86_64 - 10.8+
I'm pretty sure this is doable, if not easy or optimal. Still, I think it would be very Mac-like to just offer a single download for any osx version.
I like your thinking.
There are a lot of frameworks and features not found in 10.5 and older which can make sharing a common codebase across multiple OS versions quite difficult, unless you elect to write your own, which is quite possible.
I don’t think App Store submissions with PowerPC code would be accepted though.