And here's another one I found via Yahoo News:
Study: 80% Of iPhone Users Not Likely To Buy An Apple Watch Next Year
Of course flip that headline around and 20% of iPhone owners buying an Watch in the first year is quite bullish. But that wouldn't be very good click bait would it? All these Watch surveys are nothing more than click bait (and the tech media echo chamber wanting to push a specific meme) under the guise of 'research'. It's impossible for random firms/media sites to gage purchasing intent of a product most people have not seen in person and a product that we still don't know a lot about. Arguably Apple hasn't even begun trying to sell Watch to consumers.
Lets be blunt about it. The iWatch is not bring anything new to the table other than OMG it from Apple. Everything announced about it so far we already have on the market. There is nothing really new about it other than it is Apple. It will only work with Apple devices which makes it a no go for a lot of people. It does not work with open standards.
Android wear is going to branch out and work with everything but even that look at it people are not hugely jumping on board.
smart watch is a different beast. Apple is right fitness is a key part to help but honestly even there Apple missing the boat and really should partner with some of the fitness companies out there on what they need. Example would be look at what garmin and nike do there. Really look at garmin. Nike would be the company to partner with but I have seen lately Nike is even trying to distance itself from Apple and work with everyone.