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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 17, 2004
Doctor Q said:
Press option-n, then the letter the tilde should appear over, e.g., option-n then n. Felíz año nuevo!

Õh, purrdy. I know about the other letters (option-I for the caret symbol over a letter, but I didn't know the exact key combo. Thanks Doctor Q!)


Moderator emeritus
Mar 20, 2004
"Between the Hedges"
So where do we stand on this thread mechcozmo?
Any hopes of gaining sticky status?
Any more editing to be done?
Is this the finished product?

Haven't seen any activity here for a while now.

Woof, Woof - Dawg


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 17, 2004
MacDawg said:
So where do we stand on this thread mechcozmo?
Any hopes of gaining sticky status?
Any more editing to be done?
Is this the finished product?

Haven't seen any activity here for a while now.

Woof, Woof - Dawg

I have a picture for the search which I can post. Any other ideas for pictures, etc, would be nice.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 17, 2004
Part Two

Sun Baked, I hit the character limit! Here goes part two!

What forum is this?
Make sure to post in the correct forum. You want to ask a question on how do I make iMovie do this? Try the Software Help forum. But if you post that in the Site Feedback forum you'll get some people linking you to this thread, saying "Read the 'What forum is this'? segment." And if you narrow it down to two possible forums, try whatever one sounds the best for your issue and say that you weren't sure at the very end of your post. Nobody will flame you then (I'd hope...). And don't use that as an excuse for why you posted in the wrong forum with no possible connection (like the POLITICAL threads/posts should stay in the POLITICAL FORUM. Period!) because that just won't fly.

What is a Kernel Panic? better known as "My screen went all grey and told me to restart, wtf?"
A kernel panic is when your computer hits a brick wall. It tries to do something and fails spectacularly. This is caused by a few things. Bad RAM is one of them. Hardware is a major cause of a KP. Software can be, but in my experience hardware is the number 1 cause. Sometimes however a KP will just happen and never come back. Nothing to do but wonder.

Where do I buy RAM from?
This question is asked a lot. A lot. You can do a search to get your answers, or you can quickly remember these names:
Crucial, Kingston, and NewEgg
Search for the links-- it is good practice!

What Key Commands can I Use While Starting up?
This great thread, by MOFS, tells you all sorts of greats commands to use while starting up your computer. Among these are starting into OS X, entering Single-User Mode, entering Open Firmware, etc. Here is your linkety to that thread!


Moderator emeritus
Mar 16, 2004
Andover, MA
It would be really nice of neilrobinson to volunteer to edit his post with the contents of your second part.... * hint * hint *... please? :)

Also, any way to add a section on where to buy RAM? Seems like it's a very, very frequent posting topic.

Nice thread, BTW!


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 17, 2004
jsw said:
It would be really nice of neilrobinson to volunteer to edit his post with the contents of your second part.... * hint * hint *... please? :)

Also, any way to add a section on where to buy RAM? Seems like it's a very, very frequent posting topic.

Nice thread, BTW!

I added a link to the second part in the end of the last post.
And I can do the RAM thingy...



Staff member
Dec 7, 2002
New Zealand
Mechcozmo said:
The iPods have been through 4 generations, iPod minis 1 generation, and iPod Photos 1 generation.
If you have a 3rd generation iPod, then you can say "3G" denoting third-generation iPod. NOT G3 which is wrong, seeing as that is a processor that was used in Macs.

I disagree. As far as I know, Apple has never used the 'G' designation for iPods, it seems to be a label that we've come up with on the forums. Apple's CPU names (G3, G4 etc) mean 'Generation 3' and 'Generation 4.' Surely a generation 3 iPod should therefore also be called a G3.

On a slightly more personal note, I've mixed things up occasionally when people say they're having problems with a 4G iPod - I sometimes read that as 4 GB and assume they're using a mini. Saying G4 will avoid that confusion.

So, what do you guys think about this? :)


macrumors 6502a
Oct 8, 2003
For one, add the force restart key combo to the kernel panic part. cmd-ctrl-power.

As for the G4/4G debate, I personally prefer 4G, just to differentiate between the iPod and the computer processors. I see that 4G/4GB is a valid point, but that all comes down to education. Surely we can get then to understand that GB = gigabytes. And furthermore, a newbie would be more likely to refer to those as an iPod mini. If they call their iPod a 4GB one, then I'm sure they have the understanding that 4GB != 4G.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 17, 2004
Nermal said:
I disagree. As far as I know, Apple has never used the 'G' designation for iPods, it seems to be a label that we've come up with on the forums. Apple's CPU names (G3, G4 etc) mean 'Generation 3' and 'Generation 4.' Surely a generation 3 iPod should therefore also be called a G3.

On a slightly more personal note, I've mixed things up occasionally when people say they're having problems with a 4G iPod - I sometimes read that as 4 GB and assume they're using a mini. Saying G4 will avoid that confusion.

So, what do you guys think about this? :)

I decided to say 3G to avoid confusion with the processor. Plus, when I've talked with the Apple Geniuses they knew exactly what I was talking about. See, G4 instantly brings up a mental image of the processor. 4G takes a second, but I know that it doesn't refer to a computer.

And about the whole mini thing... can't help you there. Read more carefully?


Staff member
Dec 7, 2002
New Zealand
The point I was trying to make (which, after re-reading, I see that I didn't actually make) was that you shouldn't say that it's wrong to call it a G3 or G4. After all, Apple has never used any sort of G notation, we've just dreamed up the G identifiers ourselves. If we have the right to call it a 3G, then other people should also have the right to call it a G3 - they're both just names that people have come up with.

Hopefully that made sense, and I'm not trying to start an argument :)


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 17, 2004
Nermal said:
The point I was trying to make (which, after re-reading, I see that I didn't actually make) was that you shouldn't say that it's wrong to call it a G3 or G4. After all, Apple has never used any sort of G notation, we've just dreamed up the G identifiers ourselves. If we have the right to call it a 3G, then other people should also have the right to call it a G3 - they're both just names that people have come up with.

Hopefully that made sense, and I'm not trying to start an argument :)

It makes sense. It could just be a Rev. D iPod, but most people seem to know that its a 4th generation iPod, etc. One of my friends just bought an iPod, and referred to it as a 4G iPod without ever hearing me use that identifier. I see what you are saying, but its just easier than having a newbie suddenly say "grey clickey wheel type" because thats how they thought of it. Just an IMO kinda part... if they read the thread and get to this (as they should) they'd see for themselves.


macrumors 68040
Oct 7, 2004
somewhere between here and there.
The mini would still be a G1 since its a different line form the iPod as in smaller form factor, etc...

The iPod is at 4G.

The iPod Photo is at 1G and the HP iPod can also be considered at 1G.

having the G after the numeric for an iPod is far better than to confuse people with the computer line. :)

If you don't get the difference you shall in time, no one is born with this knowledge, we pick it up as it come our way. :)


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 17, 2004
m a y a said:
The mini would still be a G1 since its a different line form the iPod as in smaller form factor, etc...

The iPod is at 4G.

The iPod Photo is at 1G and the HP iPod can also be considered at 1G.

having the G after the numeric for an iPod is far better than to confuse people with the computer line. :)

If you don't get the difference you shall in time, no one is born with this knowledge, we pick it up as it come our way. :)

I think I made this point...

Dalriada said:
Exactly 4th Generation... so 4G it is. Nice thread by the way, learned a few things too !
Thanks! And that's another reason why I like 4G... it just sound better IMO.

Back to showering me in lavish thanks for creating this thread....:)


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Mechcozmo said:
Thanks! And that's another reason why I like 4G... it just sound better IMO.

Back to showering me in lavish thanks for creating this thread....:)

<insert lavish thanks for creating this thread></insert>


How about if you just change your original post to say something more like, "If you want to refer to the fourth generation iPod, please say iPod 4G, instead of iPod G4, as this will avoid confusion with the G4 processor." I think this should satisfy most everyone.

I think most forum-goers know this notation. Although I sent my friend an e-mail for some accessory, and said something like, "I'm pretty sure they make these for your 4G iPod too," and he replied with, "No, actually, I have a 20G iPod." :eek:

But for most everyone else.... :D
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