It’s funny because I was going to mention the car thing too. I own a sedan. It’s fast, sporty, gets great gas mileage, corners like it’s on rails and actually has a decent amount of cargo space due to being a hatchback. It shares an engine with an SUV produced by the same manufacturer. The price is comparable for both the sedan and SUV (SUV a bit higher but not much; just like the iPad and Mac). The SUV has more cargo space, greater clearance and is more comfortable for multiple passengers. Same manufacturer, same engine, similar styling, close in price. But my car will never be an SUV and the SUV will never be a car. Different vehicles, different intended jobs; yet still plenty of crossover between the two. Yet no one complains that they can’t do all the same things. Why is that so different with an iPad and Mac? Oh, and my girlfriend has an SUV so yes, we do have both! Lol