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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 30, 2009
Is ther a way to apply ur themes without using winterboard. Although winterboard is a great app. It takes up to much ram and slows down my iPhone to much for me. So I would like to know if there is something else or if there is a way to edit the firmware and make the themselves perment. I am mainly looking to change the GUI. I really don't care about the rest. Any info u can through my way would be greatly appreciated.
Is ther a way to apply ur themes without using winterboard. Although winterboard is a great app. It takes up to much ram and slows down my iPhone to much for me. So I would like to know if there is something else or if there is a way to edit the firmware and make the themselves perment. I am mainly looking to change the GUI. I really don't care about the rest. Any info u can through my way would be greatly appreciated.

You could always change things manually via SSH/SCP, but I have never seen Winterboard slow an iPhone down. :)
I used to do this. Some of the icons I can't stand so I went in and changed them without Winterboard. It's pretty easy if you know where the icons are located.
i found out if u have a lot of themes or at least GUI themes running at a time my phone slowed down considerably. I know how to ssh into my phone but what i am looking for is the location of the GUI files such as the buttons and menus etc. that is what i really want to change i am sick of the stupid blue. thanks for the responses.
i found out if u have a lot of themes or at least GUI themes running at a time my phone slowed down considerably. I know how to ssh into my phone but what i am looking for is the location of the GUI files such as the buttons and menus etc. that is what i really want to change i am sick of the stupid blue. thanks for the responses.

I'd suggest not using themes that change every little detail I suppose. :)

Personally, I create my own themes and edit existing ones appropriately. I used this site:

To teach me file locations, etc. Good luck!
i found out if u have a lot of themes or at least GUI themes running at a time my phone slowed down considerably. I know how to ssh into my phone but what i am looking for is the location of the GUI files such as the buttons and menus etc. that is what i really want to change i am sick of the stupid blue. thanks for the responses.

That's going to be a nightmare to do manually (some things, like the wallpaper, can't be done manually. Your best bet is WinterBoard and WinterBoard Settings. Not to mention its REALLY easy to screw up your phone if you are changing things at that level.

If you have a bunch of separate themes running simultaneously try combining them into one.

Beyond that you just have to accept that if you want to do extensive theming either upgrade to the GS or deal with some slowdown. Changing OS graphics with WB will give more lag than just icons.
Anything you can do in winterboard you can do without it. I use SSH exclusively and even just posted a thread on how to use LockInfo without Winterboard as well.

If you open up a .theme file you can generally see where each file is intended to belong. Then you just SSH or use MobileTerminal/iFile to place them in the right spots.

ALWAYS backup files before replacing them.

I like keeping my phone fairly stock, so I only swap out a couple icons and the battery charge image (I like the one that shows %s) and then I now use LockInfo. All without Winterboard.

I know people say "it doesn't slow down a phone" Well, it does. With winterboard my memory tends to be around 7mb free and now I've regained about 15mb. Dunno why it would be so serious, I quess I removed a couple MobileSubstrate plugins with it.

Short end of the story, YES. Winterboard DOES use more ram than SSH themes.
You could always change things manually via SSH/SCP, but I have never seen Winterboard slow an iPhone down. :)
Then you obviously haven't seen my 3GS. ;)

How do you manually put a wallpaper behind the icons?

You can use BossPaper to do that.

or how can you remove dock icon labels?

It's possible, I used to do it. However, I can't remember how I did it and would love for someone to refresh my memory! In any case, it can be done - have you tried Google?
I don't have winterboard any more, but can't you remove it buy using that? :confused:

Actually you can. It's one of the default things that come with Winterboard I thought. Or maybe I have it left over from a previous version. :/
The original statement was that you can do anything manually that you can with WB. Obviously that is not true since BP is not doing it manually.

I'm still waiting for ViViDboarder to chime in with how you do wallpapers manually.

Wow... Looks like this may be one of the few things that just can't be done. There has to be a way though, maybe I'll email Saurik and see if he knows the location a file needs to be placed.

As an alternative, BossPaper is much less intensive than Winterboard as it only does one thing. It also has some very nice features. I don't actually use it though. I'm crying at the fact that I already have 9 MobileSubstrate plugins :(

60 Sec Lockscreen (For LockInfo)
ClockHide (For LockInfo)
MailToAttachement (For iFile)
and libhide (For Categories and SBSettings)
i am trying to limit my mobilesubstrate addons amuch as possible that is the main reason i go ride of WB. i am down to 5. i have located most of the files that i need to change i/e chat bubbles and other message stuff. but i cant find where all the UIimages are stashed.
i am using a winter board theme and i am taking it apart and putting the pieces were they belong. I just can find all the locations for all the files.
these are the only ones i still have to hunt down.

have already found these ones
i am trying to limit my mobilesubstrate addons amuch as possible that is the main reason i go ride of WB. i am down to 5. i have located most of the files that i need to change i/e chat bubbles and other message stuff. but i cant find where all the UIimages are stashed.

Sure, most are in /System/Library/CoreServices/

What images in particular?
...but i cant find where all the UIimages are stashed.
What about installing NetaTalk? Wouldn't you be able to search your iPhone as a mounted AppleTalk device?

Anyone know what PreferenceLoader does?

I'm running a bunch of MSs, and four of them are just related to my lockscreen. LOL.



SBCustomIcon (off)
these are the only ones i still have to hunt down /Applications/MobileMusicPlayer/ /Applications/MobileMusicPlayer/ Should be the same. I think this folder is if someone had an iPod Touch /Applications/
UIImages Like I said, usually in the folder. What UIImages are you trying to find?

A tip: Install NetATalk so you can view the whole root system as a network drive on your mac and then just search the filesystem for the image name you want to find :D I suppose you can use MobileTerminal and grep as well. /Applications/MobileMusicPlayer/ was the same but /Applications/MobileMusicPlayer/ was not i could not find any of the same files
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