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Original poster
Feb 1, 2018
Devon, England
Hello ?

Please pay a visit this web page:-

I'd like to know if you see any difference in colour of the URL shown at the end of Section A, sub.para 12, dependent on whether you are signed in or signed out of the ASC site. If there IS a difference on YOUR computer, are you able to explain why?

Thanks if you can enlighten me!


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
I see what you are describing. The text will be a link, but if you are not logged in, it is not an active link.
That text is just text, not an accessible link, until you log in.
If there is no link (even though the text appears to be a link) then the colour remains the same as the surrounding text.
When you log in, the link becomes active (and the text changes colour reflecting the change of status)
Why would there be that difference? I suspect that you can't access your profile settings, unless you are logged in, so the link can't do anything unless you are logged in.

I suppose that someone with HTML coding knowledge will give a better explanation.
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