Now it's time MacRumors changed the recommendation in Buyer's Guide back to Do Not Buy.
Looks like the Mac Pro's dead :/Now it's time MacRumors changed the recommendation in Buyer's Guide back to Do Not Buy.
I'd change the "Do not buy" to "Boycott"
this!Wishing for "Virtual Middle Finger" button. Submit, submit, submit....
I'd change the "Do not buy" to "Boycott"
The problem with a possible backtrack is what about all the poor suckers (myself included) who badly needed whatever update they would give us and bought these 'new' Mac Pros? So now they aren't new? Does this mean another new one is a few months away? Just give us a statement or something, Apple!
Now it's time MacRumors changed the recommendation in Buyer's Guide back to Do Not Buy.
So there is a mid 2012 model of the Mac Pro but not an update?The right thing for Apple to do. They never should have called it "New".
If there is another MP later this year, I'll be pretty pissed (having just bought one), unless Apple jacks the price way up (quite likely, if the update is that close). I'm OK with and update in 12-18 months. Do I feel cheated? Sure, but I comfort myself with the thought that I'm not one of those poor sods (hopefully not too many) who bought a MP a month ago. Compared to them, I paid $700 less for my 6-core.
The right thing for Apple to do. They never should have called it "New".
If there is another MP later this year, I'll be pretty pissed (having just bought one), unless Apple jacks the price way up (quite likely, if the update is that close). I'm OK with and update in 12-18 months. Do I feel cheated? Sure, but I comfort myself with the thought that I'm not one of those poor sods (hopefully not too many) who bought a MP a month ago. Compared to them, I paid $700 less for my 6-core.