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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 30, 2007
I hid the peoples names except for my own. (Look at my amazing photoshop skills)


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The impact Steve had was dramatic on 10's or 100's of millions of people. Both are terrible losses, it should be considered that Steves death is news because of the large public interest, globally. The soldier deserves all of our respect for serving our country but the reaction publicly will be different because the masses just won't and can't know so many that have given their lives for our freedom.
So you get mad when people have their own values and opinions? He makes a valid point. You may not agree but there's no need to get mad about it.
I just don't get why we can't talk about a huge public figure dying without people saying that soldiers die also. That's like your grandma dying and someone saying "Who cares, 2 soldiers were killed in Iraq today".
If you think this is bad, you'll want to stay off the internet today. I just read (not exaggerating) a tyrannical manifesto comparing Jobs to Hitler because he had the audacity to want to tear down his dilapidated home and replace it with something else. That was just the tip of the iceberg. It's so sad how much glee people take in tearing others apart.
It's the usual "Here I'm going to try to make you feel guilty to make myself feel morally superior."

I always tell these people the same thing. I'm sorry that I don't spend my day reading the obituaries, crying about people who have had no direct or memorable impact on my life. There will always be people behind the scenes working hard and doing things that, were they not to do, I would certainly notice. However, time does not permit me to acknowledge them all by name or to be able to mourn over all of them.

Steve had an impact on my life, I saw it as plain as day. He wasn't in the background, that wasn't his calling. He was in front of me, inspiring me and enabling me in my work. I'm sorry that someone I don't know died, and I hate that such a thing happened to them, but I cannot connect the lines of my life to this one person's life. I cannot see where this one person had a direct impact on me. Maybe they did, and if someone wanted to put the puzzle together for me then I'll have a more emotional reaction.

It's all about putting up a guard, not letting these people guilt you into feeling like a bad person. We can't connect with everyone, we can't mourn over everyone, and we can't acknowledge everyone. Any suggestion to the contrary is illogical and unproductive. Any suggestion that we should mourn over no one, because we can't mourn for everyone, is quite heartless in itself.
I just don't get why we can't talk about a huge public figure dying without people saying that soldiers die also. That's like your grandma dying and someone saying "Who cares, 2 soldiers were killed in Iraq today".

It shouldn't "piss you off" though. Let him have his opinion and you can have yours. If his opinion is foolish then those worth 2 cents will realize it.
I can agree with his sentiments. We should do more to honour and remember those not in the limelight. However, the way he has worded it gives a slight implication that Steve Jobs shouldn't be recognised in the way he is (admittedly he doesn't actually say that) and that might be what has put your nose out of joint. I can see that. Unfortunately, you are just going to have to accept that he feels this way and he might have similar feelings about your opinion.
I've seen people say that. But I mourn Steve Jobs because I know who he was and that he died. If someone tells me about a soldier who died, or some other "quiet hero," I will absolutely mourn them as well.

We don't have to denigrate Steve Jobs to also try to recognize those who don't get the credit they deserve.
I really don't think we give a ****, RP.

Some clearly do. This place looks like a lot of Apple fans got butt hurt over being accused of fanboyism and so they decided to tone it down. Man if I changed every time someone made fun of me...
Your right on this one, OP. That guy's being an ass. Sure, he's entitled to his opinion, but his opinion makes him look like an ass. If that poster realized how much Steve Jobs effected his life and that of those around him, he'd feel as stupid as he looks. Bugs Bunny would call him a "Maroon."

God Bless the soldiers. God Bless the First Responders. God Bless the teachers and everyone else, too. I mourn their losses, also. But some I hold more dear than others. Some have personally changed my life. While the soldier he mentions certainly adds to my freedom as an American and contributes to the safety and well being of my family, he has not had the same personal impact on me and the world I live in as Steve Jobs had.
I guess "This pisses me off" was a bad choice of words. I am just upset that he is playing it off as if Jobs didn't matter at all. That no one should care that he died. That he wasn't important, and nothing he did was important. Jobs impacted my life. This is the only death of someone that I didn't actually know that really affected me.

Do I think our soldiers should get more recognition via the media? Yes, but just because they don't doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to mourn Job's death.
They are important in different contexts.

As is not constantly looking for ways to shame everyone around you to make yourself feel morally superior.

OP, find an obituary somewhere about someone, reply to his status about how heartless he is for not caring about _____ (fill in the blank). It's fun.
You are absolutely correct, but he is making it seem that Jobs wasn't important in any context.

I'd say he just wants people to acknowledge the soldiers death as they do the passing of Jobs. I'm not saying he's right, but he does have a point
I'd say he just wants people to acknowledge the soldiers death as they do the passing of Jobs. I'm not saying he's right, but he does have a point

I do agree in him having a point, but the way he stated it made him a douche.
I guess "This pisses me off" was a bad choice of words. I am just upset that he is playing it off as if Jobs didn't matter at all. That no one should care that he died.

I see what you mean but you shoudn't worry too much. It's one person's anecdotal opinion vs. reality. What's the reality? Look at the reactions to SJ's death the world over, and it hasn't abated. Rest assured, the world recognizes this man's contribution.
I see what you mean but you shoudn't worry too much. It's one person's anecdotal opinion vs. reality. What's the reality? Look at the reactions to SJ's death the world over, and it hasn't abated. Rest assured, the world recognizes this man's contribution.

For once, I agree with this argument (that you have used time after time). The majority of the PC centric forums I also go on who used to slag the hell out of Apple and Steve have remained respectful and acknowledged he has changed the computer industry a great deal.

It's them with no hearts or souls who continue abusing such a genius who died in such an awful way.
I hate when people pull the troops stunt.

What about the firefighters who died saving lives in the past year? What about doctors who gave it all and died? What about charity campaigners, the ones who really do make a difference, does your friend remember them when they die?

What is it with war and people thinking troops who die in combat should be the only ones who are recognised and no one else?

I'm grateful for troops for protecting our "freedom" and ensuring our way of life stays the same. But, if that's all troops are doing, they aren't pushing the human race forward in terms of innovation. They are crucial to saving us, protecting etc yes, but they aren't changing the world in the same way Steve Jobs and other visionaries had and are.

I think people who pull that card out the bag are just plain ignorant. Did your friend make the exact same post when Michael Jackson died etc?
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