This could very well have been the most important thing hes ever done. Thing is, you have to wait to see how it affects things and we certainly can't do that when its not even for sale yet.
Like with each of Apples world changing (no thats not fanboy talk, the mac, the ipod and the iphone DID each change the world) devices, you have to wait at least a year or two before you see why.
This could very well have been the most important thing hes ever done. Thing is, you have to wait to see how it affects things and we certainly can't do that when its not even for sale yet.
Good news for Jobs is that incredible 3rd party apps will save the iPad in the end.
Interesting claim. Like what?
I bet you guys thought that the iPod wasn't a game changer when it came out too.
Sure, it was just another MP3 player, but there was a bigger plan in place.
I suspect the iPad environment will evolve to even a far greater degree.
Stay tuned.
I bet you guys thought that the iPod wasn't a game changer when it came out too.
Sure, it was just another MP3 player, but there was a bigger plan in place.
I suspect the iPad environment will evolve to even a far greater degree.
Stay tuned.
iPoop... iCry. I was so hoping for something more.
Great just what the world needs, another freaking MP3 player. Go Steve! Where's the Newton?!
hey - heres an idea Apple - rather than enter the world of gimmicks and toys, why dont you spend a little more time sorting out your pathetically expensive and crap server line up?
or are you really aiming to become a glorified consumer gimmicks firm?
I'd call it the Cube 2.0 as it wont sell, and be killed off in a short time...and it's not really functional.
All that hype for an MP3 player? Break-thru digital device? The Reality Distiortion Field™ is starting to warp Steve's mind if he thinks for one second that this thing is gonna take off.
The problem is Steve Jobs is surrounded by yesmen and fanboys.
The problem is Steve Jobs is surrounded by yesmen and fanboys.
I bet you guys thought that the iPod wasn't a game changer when it came out too.
Sure, it was just another MP3 player, but there was a bigger plan in place.
I suspect the iPad environment will evolve to even a far greater degree.
Stay tuned.
Good news for Jobs is that incredible 3rd party apps will save the iPad in the end.
No, the fundamental problem is Jobs fires everyone who voices a different opinion.
Is that true?
Can you see five years into the future? Remember when PCs first came out, IBM said "No one will want these". Now look, huh?
TOTALLY agree. As it stands, the iPad is fairly pointless, but it's the 3rd party apps that will make it a useable and useful device.
Unless he has a vision for it what us mere mortals do not see...
Unless he has a vision for it what us mere mortals do not see...