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Are you still looking for thoughts on this Blue?

Hi iGav, thanks for asking. :)

Will be right up until April-May-June... trying very hard to stick to the BV masterplan, which involves getting some other things out of the way first before looking for a new position in late spring or early summer.

What is also of some concern is my book/portfolio, whatever you want to call it. As well as marketing materials, I have a lot of display pieces and perfect-bound publications that are a little large and heavy to carry around. I can see me having to book some studio space to do some rostrum and product photography.

I have to start from scratch with this; haven't been in the job market for some years and much of my older work isn't that great or relevant, looking back on it now.

In the same situation as BV, looking for a new job. I always seem to have trouble writing coverletters. i've look at numerous sites but nothing seems to help.

My main stumbling point is the so called "Flattery" paragraph where you show you've researched the company by writing about a project, award, or briefly what you know about the company. What is the best way to write this?

Any of you willing to share examples of how you've written this? Or is this paragraph even needed anymore? This section, to me, seems tacked on (probably my writting style-or lack thereof) so I'm not sure if it comes across as Flattery or an after-thought.

I usually write something like this:

I have particular in interest in [name of some part of company or project here and my skills and expertise fit well. For example....

Something like that, probably better written. But I'm too lazy to fetch my ext HD to find an exact one at the moment...
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