there are a handful of LCD panel manufacturers (usually with good quality control. LG, Samsung, Philips for example) - Apple buys them, and from them, just like Dell and Acer; Acer has just as many dead pixels as Apple, and Dell, and other companies.
How do I 'know'? There hasn't been a recall, you have a handful of users complaining (rightfully so!) about this, while hundreds of thousands of units have been sold without defect.
You have to realize that a forum is never a good measure of things; people that post will do so because they are ecstatic or unhappy about something; while the majority that's fine has no reason to.
To say that Apple's QC is "a disgrace" makes no sense. I DO think it's bad luck, yes - since you asked. I am not disbelieving you at all; I would not be happy with a dead pixel. But I will go out on a limb and say I bought as many or more Apple Products (with screens) as you have - and Dell, Samsung, Sony and other products, and Apple has had the least defects for me by far. Lucky? Maybe. More likely statistically a lot more prevalent.
I do think dead pixels suck - I can see a single one a mile away, hate them, and have returned products for it - absolutely. But there is nothing to indicate there is a 'bad production run' on iPad displays, based of 2 pages of forum posts.