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macrumors newbie
Jan 2, 2023
Hey there! I don't know if you've found a solution to this yet, but I was just having the same problem and after some troubleshooting, I got my preview icons to work again!

Basically I opened up Activity Monitor, searched for a process called "," forced quit that process, and Relaunched Finder in the Force Quit menu. Worked like a charm.

Don't know if that's helpful for you or anyone else, but just wanted to put that out there!
View attachment 1923709
Like many here, I registered today just to say THANK YOU!!!šŸ™


macrumors 6502a
May 19, 2014
madrid, spain
Like many here, I registered today just to say THANK YOU!!!šŸ™

Dock this script created in Automator and saved as an App and you can even set a short cut if you will:

do shell script "launchctl kickstart -k gui/501/" user name "YUOURUSERNAME" password "YOURADMINPASSWORD" with administrator privileges

do shell script "killall Finder"

this will kill/relaunch ThumbnailsAgent and Finder in a click (or key stroke)
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Reactions: smoking monkey

macrumors newbie
Jan 6, 2023
Hey there! I don't know if you've found a solution to this yet, but I was just having the same problem and after some troubleshooting, I got my preview icons to work again!

Basically I opened up Activity Monitor, searched for a process called "," forced quit that process, and Relaunched Finder in the Force Quit menu. Worked like a charm.

Don't know if that's helpful for you or anyone else, but just wanted to put that out there!
View attachment 1923709
Thank you so much! It works like a charm. :D


macrumors newbie
Apr 29, 2023
Hey there! I don't know if you've found a solution to this yet, but I was just having the same problem and after some troubleshooting, I got my preview icons to work again!

Basically I opened up Activity Monitor, searched for a process called "," forced quit that process, and Relaunched Finder in the Force Quit menu. Worked like a charm.

Don't know if that's helpful for you or anyone else, but just wanted to put that out there!
View attachment 1923709
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!


macrumors newbie
Jul 13, 2023
Hey there! I don't know if you've found a solution to this yet, but I was just having the same problem and after some troubleshooting, I got my preview icons to work again!

Basically I opened up Activity Monitor, searched for a process called "," forced quit that process, and Relaunched Finder in the Force Quit menu. Worked like a charm.

Don't know if that's helpful for you or anyone else, but just wanted to put that out there!
View attachment 1923709
just made an account to thank you for this. still saving lives in 2023.
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